
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Let the next chapter begin

I do believe the time has come, a little bittersweet - but mostly exciting, to move on.
It is time to leave The Little Green Cottage.
This last weekend we began house hunting in earnest. It is thrilling and nerve wracking both.  And every time I think about packing I get a little queasy.

So much life has been lived in this tiny house. So many milestones passed, all the laughter and tears and funny old business that has taken place in this house that we have loved, oh my.

The day we moved in, the Engineer proposed. We got married in the backyard (right where the chicken coop is now). We brought our daughter home to this house. We have cooked, danced, sung, paced, planned, hugged and hung on to each other in this house.

We have planted 10 years of gardens. Cooked thousands of family dinners. Canned hundreds of jars of jam. Changed the curtains 831 times. Moved the furniture around 562 times. Made the bed 3,450.12 times. There have been washing machine breakdowns, a  near electrocution (of the engineer whilst trying to wire a new light), a small stove top fire and some other trials and tribulations. Still, this house has truly been a home.

We have sanded, scraped, painted and remodeled and made this house our happy place. We have seen the neighborhood change and change again. We have made true friends of our neighbors. This house has been good to us. We have simply outgrown our tiny cottage and it is time to move on...

...and write the next chapter of our lives.


  1. Oh my goodness! How exciting and sad at the same time. Good luck on your house hunt, I hope you find something equally as amazing but better suited to your needs :)


  2. It is bittersweet for sure and for your readers too..after all this is where we first met you. We are happy though, to watch you and share with you, in this new and happy venture into the next chapter.

    Happy house hunting! xo

  3. Bittersweet, indeed. Wishing you a new home filled with more happiness and many more memories to be made.

    It sounds like you're a tad busy for that catch-up coffee? I'm in town until Monday.

  4. Mixed feelings I am sure. I am hoping that the move will go well and you will "bloom" in your new dwelling.

  5. Oh, that's beautiful! Think what the next house will bring...

  6. Bittersweet for sure. Good luck with the upcoming change.

  7. This is the post I couldn't bring my self to write about our move. Beautiful.

  8. Such lovely words about your home, I hope you find as good a place to live your future.

  9. Oh my goodness, the memories of a first home, so very precious. I wish you luck on your search for your new home..x

  10. I hope your search brings you to another lovely cottage that is just right ♥

  11. Lovely memories. Kiss all the walls before you leave, not too sure why but I have always done so and my next house has bought even better memories.
    Emma. X
    Btw, I bet you have moved the furniture more than 562 times (I know I have).

  12. a lovely post, it brought tears to my eyes and made me laugh! good luck with the search for your new home, Heather x

  13. Alex

    Its the best and the worst part of moving...I know....

    Do have a weep before you close the door for the last will feel better for it ...then as you turn away, the excitment of the new memories you are going to make, will rush in and soak up all the sadness....!

    Daisy xxx

  14. The best of luck dear Alex, wherever you next may land. And here's hoping your new home will be at least as happy as your last :)

  15. Hello! How I understand your double feelings... we also moved 3 years ago to a new city (from Paris to Strasbourg, France)... looking backwards I have not a single regret. I think the excitment was more important than the doubts... plus moving in new place at that time of the year, when the sun out, is a really good time!
    The picture of the patchwork blanket makes me think I'm trying to sew a Bai jia bei for my little one, would like to participate? I would be very touched! Let me know and I will give you more details.
    Have a nice sunny day,
    Hermine (pomme coing)

  16. Moving can be bittersweet, but I am completely confident that wherever you land next will have the same charm, the same ability to contain all the memories, and will bear the same stamp of love and creativity that you've given the cottage. Leaving is hard, but settling into the new nest will be wonderful!

  17. DEAR LORD, what a wonderfull blog you have!!! i SO loved it!!!!! congratulations! i wish i could do all those things too !!

  18. Hy Lola, your blog is wonderful and you are very creative, congratulations. Kisses and hugs.

  19. Bittersweet and exciting! I can't wait to hear all about it.

  20. Such a lovely post about a lovely house, that i hda the pleasure of visiting. It truly is a home, and in the short time I was there, i felt that immediately.
    very exciting about the new chapter and home to be! xo


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