
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Big Talent, Bright Friends

I know we have talked about this before, but it bears saying again; the blogging, making, writing community is a wonder. Many of the people I have "met" on the world wide web since Lola Nova came to be, have become true friends to me, even if I have never shared any "face" time with them. And man oh man do I have some talented friends!

Of course, every once in a while I do get the chance to meet my friends in person, what a grand thing that is! I have found that our conversations come easy, it often feels as if we have really known each other for yonks and that having a chat over tea is something we do on the regular.

I recently had a chance to meet one of those friends (and one of my heroes) in person. Nicole Mallelieu of You Sew Girl, designer extraordinaire of Nicole Mallelieu Design patterns and author of the book You Sew Girl, Your Ultimate Guide to Sewing with Confidence and Style, (mighty big talent indeed!) was in Portland recently for Quilt Market. We made plans to meet up, at the fabric store of course, she with her little and I with my little (our girls are close in age).

During this get together, I was utterly remiss in taking photos, but Nicole took a few and you can read about her Portland adventures HERE and HERE. We had a fine time meandering my two favorite neighborhood sewing shops. Our girls got along, as well as two kids forced together because their mums happen to sew and write blogs about it, can. Funny thing, both of our girls just had to buy some fabric for their own personal projects even though both mums were well stocked with the stuff. I wonder where in the world they could have picked that up? We had some dinner together and chatted away. Nicole was just as stylish, smart, warm and lovely as I thought she would be. I do hope she can forgive me for dropping her off at the wrong train station in the pouring rain.

I am often struck by what a gift I have received in the people I have met through starting Lola Nova and this blog business. The opportunities that have availed themselves and the community that inspires me have truly been a wonder! I am so grateful.

Oh and speaking of grateful; Nicole gifted me with a couple of her marvelous patterns!

The trick is deciding which to make first! 


  1. Make a hat while the sun is still shining! What a lovely story. Jo x

  2. 'Twas grand, indeed! And what better way to truly experience Portland than to have to find a train station in the rain?

  3. Sounds wonderful. And I love that old photo!

  4. I have to say, Nikki is my 'hero' too. I had the best luck meeting her a couple of years ago at the Australian Quilt Convention in Melbourne. I was impressed with her warm and giving nature, NOT to mention her awesome pattern/instruction writing skills! I even managed to lure her to North Queensland last year, where I now live. It's wonderful to see her talents appreciated and 'taking America by storm'.
    P.S. Love your blog Lola!

  5. Gorgeous patterns, looking forward to seeing the results!!!
    V xxx

  6. how fun!
    i've been a fan of hers for awhile :)

  7. Those hats are adorable! I've been thinking that I should try to sell my old sewing machine, because I haven't used it in years. Maybe I should hang on to it because I MIGHT make something for Henry after I get moved!

    Nancy in Iowa


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