
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Boxed In

Clearly the idea that I could keep up with my little blog here whilst waist deep in moving house, has been a tremendous fail.  So, I thinks it's best to admit when one is beat and politely tip one's hat to the day and say, "See you on the other side friends!"

I shall return in a couple weeks time. Until then, I wish you all the best!


  1. Haha, enjoy all the moving mess, so much fun, really! :-)

  2. How exciting to finally be making the big move! We will be here when you finally 'land'.

    Thoughts and prayers are with you for a safe and smooth transition, my dear friend. xxoo

  3. Yay YOU!!!....go move to your new home and I will look after things here my dear,
    ...I will read a post or two of yours everyday until I catch up....

    Enjoy every moment and photos the best bits for us.....

    bestest to you bloggy friend

    Daisy j xx

  4. Have you got to the "I just don't care any more, bin the bloody lot of it" stage yet?
    Good luck. Like childbirth the horror of this phase will pass, 4 months in and I can now look at a cardboard box with out twitching.

  5. hehe - good luck! We moved in 2 years ago and still have boxes everywhere ... it didn't help that my little daughter learnt to walk the week we moved, and since then she has kept all of us on our toes! We are very slowly making progress, probably because I spend too much time crocheting, taking photos and preparing blog posts!
    Em x

  6. Have fun moving into your new home. Look forward to seeing snaps of your new space.

    Travel safe.

  7. Good luck and have fun along the way, making your new house a new home. x

  8. Moving is a LOT of work. We'll still be here when you get back. Good luck!

  9. good look hope all goes well!x

  10. Enjoy you vacations! Take care! So nice to find your inspiring blog!




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