
Friday, October 18, 2013

On The Make Again

After a long time away from my machine, piles of fabric, spools of thread and the joy of crafty cogs turning... I am back on the make! Once the engineer installed a proper light in my new work space, it only took the dawn of the next day and I was at it. 

I have had quilting on my mind and so though I was hesitant to give up the wall space in my small studio (there was a thought of useful shelves going there, as storage is much needed), I realized if I was going to get serious - not dreadful serious mind you - about this quilty business, I needed a "design wall." This was easily accomplished with a few meters of thin cotton batting tacked to a wall above my work table. 

I pulled out a few Kona and Moda solids from my stash, without specific plan, and the next thing I knew I was cutting triangles. I placed a few here and there to test out my freshly minted design wall; Lo and Behold it was a pleasing combination! I felt a little bit of that old giddiness and excitement upon the realization of a project coming to life. 

Oh how I love the hum of the machine, the steam of the iron, the snip of scissors and watching the progress come along!

As the afternoon wore on I happily sewed away until I reached a stopping point. I went out into the Fall sunshine and stood back to look at the thing I had made. Just the center piece of a larger project, the beginning of something good, and it made me smile. It is indeed a great and grateful thing to be back on the make, doing what I love!

Today I'll be back at it. I can't predict a completion date for 'tis the season for pumpkin patches, planting flower bulbs (of which there are over 175 waiting for me!) and baking delicious treats; there is much to do!

Wishing you all a happy weekend!


  1. Oh my, I do love the colors and the nice to 'put the needle down' once again.

    Enjoy this beautiful weather this weekend. xo

  2. Lovely colours and shapes - love i!

  3. I feel like such a traitor to you! I'm getting rid of everything except the most precious and necessary so I can move to Savannah, GA with just a car load and stuff on top. Among the things I'm trying to rehome is my faithful 1973 portable Kenmore sewing machine. I used it a lot when Diane was little (she was 3 that year) but now haven't used it in many years, yet keep hauling it around.

    So glad you've got the new studio!

    Nancy in Iowa

  4. That 'thing' you have started, my dear Alex will 'grow up' to be a real beauty...I can imagine how you feel to be back on the machine, threads YOUR OWN SPACE....Hoorah and welcome back...
    love as always
    Daisy j x

  5. It's looking good already, I love the colours you have chosen :)

  6. Beautiful! What a satisfying process. Glad you're back at it!

  7. Oh so really Nice colours!! It looks so beautiful :-)
    Looking forward to following your blog :-)


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