
Friday, December 6, 2013


Having a partner with carpentry skills is a serious perk. In our new house, we have the space for my Mr. to have a shop, it is such a wonder that the both of us finally have our own creative spaces. It is awesome!  

His latest project was built by him and made especially for me. I  am now the proud owner of a gorgeous and very sturdy cutting/work table for my studio. He made it to my exact specifications; it is the perfect height and size for working on all sorts of projects.

So, of course I love it. I love it not just because it was made by my Mr., or because it is exactly what I wanted and needed, but because of what this table was made from. Reclaimed wood, you see.

Not just any old reclaimed wood, but wood reclaimed from our new house. The legs of this table were made from posts that were part of the framing of the walls that we knocked down in my studio. Like bones from our house, strong and sturdy. The trim on the top of the table was milled from the oak fireplace mantle we ummm... dismantled. 

This table has a storied history even though it is "new." And I love that. It makes me happy. Not only was this a frugal project, but who knew we could shop for wood from our own home! Cool.

Every time I work at my new table, I will know this story and think of the Engineer building it by hand. So, as you can see, it's pretty much the greatest work table ever.

P.S. Thank you for my table dear!

Happy weekend!


  1. Lucky, lucky you! Oh to have a partner who does carpentry. A really great table, it's the only way to get one that's the perfect size I think.

  2. My late father was also able to create beautiful, useful furniture and other items from wood, and that wood was mostly reclaimed.

    I am so lucky to have some of his creations with me years later in my little NYC apartment, making my life easier each day.

    I completely understand the joy that your partner's skill, talent and ability to create items that enhance your


  3. Oh I do love this story...I feel like your table is smiling, happy that it has lived on in a new and more productive way, right in the same place it was born. It makes it so much sweeter that your Engineer made it all happen. xo

  4. I am coveting your table as I try to work out how to cut a big piece of material in my small house! My husband is building us a small work table today so the children can work somewhere other than the dining room table.

  5. Everything about your new table is perfect. Now you have got me dreaming about a creative space for myself x Penny

  6. Now that's a great piece of furniture and so perfectly suited for its purpose.

  7. How wonderful! The things you sew will be all the more special now :)

  8. It's lovely. I know you'll have many a productive hour with it.


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