
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

So long 2013!

Oh, I have been away for a bit haven't I? So busy with the holidays and we had such fun.  There were a lot of cookies baked and decorated by my little elf.

One of my daughter's wishes for the Holiday was to make a Gingerbread House that she could eat! So, we did. I made the Gingerbread cookie base from scratch and we spent a couple of hours decorating it. So much fun. Later that evening after Daddy had a chance to see our masterpiece, my girl dove right in and took a chunk right out of the roof!

Then, after the big holiday, my girl and the Mr. went off to visit grandparents far away. So, I got very busy on a big surprise room re-do for my girl. I have been working day and night and I can't wait till she sees it! I'll share photos here too if we get some decent light.

Hard to believe we are headed into an entirely new year tomorrow, so much has happened this year, good and crazy! 

I am starting the year off with a bang, for I have been featured in the UK magazine Pretty Patches issue #3.
How exciting is that? 

This new magazine is so lovely! A lot of wonderful tutorials and articles along with gorgeous pictures! Thank you for the wonderful feature Pretty Patches!  Issue 3 is now onsale in the UK, I am trying to find out where we can get it in the states, I'll keep you updated as soon as I find out!

Wishing you all a most Happy and Healthy New Year!!!


  1. Congratulations on your feature in Pretty Patches! I will be on the look out for it up here...sometimes we get unique and different magazines right in the markets.
    Wishing you all of the best in the New Year! xxoo

  2. Slappy Nude Ear darlin!
    Shall I buy you a copy and post it over?

  3. Wishing you and your family a wonderful and very happy new year xox

  4. So glad you had a wonderful Christmas. Happy new year to you!

  5. Happy 2014...Bring it on I say?

    .....big congrats on the article will buy purely because you are in it...!
    bestest d x

  6. That gingerbread house is ... was... totally charming. Glad that it was also delicious.

    Congratulations to you on the Pretty Patches feature. I'll be looking for it on the international magazine shelves at Barnes & Noble.

    Happy New Years!

  7. What a gorgeous gingerbread house! How fantastic to be in print again, great start to the new year :)


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