
Friday, January 17, 2014

Happy and Wise

I have spent my morning wisely and quite happily stitching away. Sewing up some simple baby essentials for a friends baby shower. Bright cheerful fabrics and basic techniques. In a couple of hours I managed a few burp cloths...

A sweet bib...

and of course a Wee Bunny.

Wee Bunny Pattern from Simple Sewing with Lola Nova

It really is lovely to spend time at this sort of sewing. It feels a bit like mediation,  the steady hum of the machine, and the simple movements that I know so well. It is a joy to make for a precious little human that will soon be coming into the world. So, a happy and wise morning indeed!

Happy weekending all!


  1. Lucky baby!
    LOVE those bib fabrics, pray tell what they are.

  2. awe......beautiful...lucky little baby! :)
    V x

  3. Those will be the hit of the shower for sure. Lucky mommy and baby!

    Have a lovely weekend. xo

  4. Such lovely little makes! Do you use flannel in the back of the burp cloths?

  5. Baby gifts are some of my favorite things to make. Yours are sweet!

  6. These little bibs and toys are really good x

  7. So gorgeous - and love all the fabrics!!xx

  8. Simple is always best, your fabrics look scrumptious....x
    bestest D x

  9. Such beautiful work and bright patterns. Happy weekend to you, too!


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