
Friday, June 6, 2014

Lovely day for a picnic

Some more Summer stitching in between making strawberry jam, end of school activities and keeping up with the garden (to be honest I'm not keeping up all that well). 

A tunic dress for my girl. I'm calling it The Picnic Dress.

I used Kaffe Fassett shot cotton and cotton print. Vintage ribbons and doily for embellishment. It's a modified version of the Prairie Dress.

It's looking like a lovely day for a picnic!

Happy weekend!


  1. Fabulous, especially with the 'pants' underneath!

  2. That is some pair of bloomers she has on there. Gorgeous I could eat her up!

  3. Looks like she loves it to me! She looks gorgeous in that outfit!

  4. Oh my, she's getting so big! When does that happen? Very sweet.

  5. What a lovely picnic dress! It does indeed suit the occasion, I envisage the two of you nibbling cookies on a blanket beneath a big tree...though it's such a pretty dress I'd want one in a grown-up size! Chrissie x

  6. Pretty dress for a pretty girl. Love her 'breeks'!

  7. So gorgeous. I love the fabric and the embellishments!

  8. Beautiful :)

    Hope you are enjoying the warmer weather over your way. We can't put off starting our winter heating for much longer. Not many picnics happening here at the moment.

  9. Goodness she's growing. And what a fab dress :)


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