
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Signs of Life

Hello Sunshine!

I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things, blogging is a habit that I have let fall to the wayside, so... baby steps.

It has been a bit of a gloomy winter, but for the past couple of days the sun has come out to play. There are signs of life everywhere. Flowers are popping up and perfuming the air.

Purple and green carpets under still leafless trees and Hellebore showing off their early blooms.

It's invigorating and energizing to see the natural world waking up. Are there signs of life where you are?

I'm off to enjoy the sun while it lasts. See you soon!


  1. Your part of the world is way ahead of ours, Lola Nova! Thank you for these beautiful close up views of blooms that we are still looking forward to seeing.

    (I'm a bit worried about the Central Park hellebores after my recent walk through their usual playground. Looks like our recent zig zag weather, blizzard to sunny warmth, then back to deep chill, might have challenged those flowers' health.

    I am thinking positive thoughts. xo

  2. The sun is a welcome sign for sure! Excellent pictures!

  3. Gosh such promise and hope in those photos or beautiful flowers. Roll on some warmth!


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