For an upcoming project I needed to sew a test sample for a bear. I don't often work in 3D, so I was excited to give this a run through. Of course I pulled from the scrap box, and I found this soft and foresty (my own word) quilters flannel that was left over from a baby quilt I made for my girl before she was born.
Oh lord yes, - I have scraps of fabric from long before I was even born.

He turned out so sweetly. He is a little skwooshy (my daughters word), in the good way, he's got just enough flop to make him interesting, he's a wee cockeyed (because he's an optimist), he has been told that he bears a slight resemblance to a Mr. W. Pooh - especially in the belly area, and he needs a new home.
I've been wanting to do a give away for ages and I thought this would be a great opportunity to do so. So...
All you have to do is leave a comment for this post and you will have a shot at the bear. Oh, that didn't sound right. What I mean is, you comment - I put your name in a hat - my lovely assistant will randomly select the recipient of little bear. I will check posts through Sunday, April 5th, 7:00 PM (my lovely assistant goes to bed at 8). I will announce who gets little bear on Monday the 6th. Tell your friends.
Details: Bear is about 15", made from 100% cotton quilters flannel, stuffed with poly, and his eyes are embroidered on so he's safe for the babies.

When my daughter saw little bear she said, "Oh, it's for me?"
I told her that the bear was for someone else.
Then, in her best Clint Eastwood, she looked me up and down and said, "Just who is this someone else?"
It could be you!
I like to give it a try, you never know. He is so lovely.
Little bear is delightful! Reading your blog has made me yearn for the time before Diane was born, when I learned to knit and crochet, sewed maternity clothes, and later knitted, crocheted and sewed baby clothes and little animals!
OMG - did I really do all that stuff??!! But that was BC - before computer.
Nancy in Atlanta
he came out so great!!!
did she really say "just who is this someone else?"
I love him! I think he would find a good home here with my kids should we get so lucky! ;)
If I was to win him I would give him to your daughter. I like her style!!
I'd like to enter!
Ooooo, ooooo (in my best Horseshack voice). Tell your girl she can have visiting rights every other weekend and on holidays.
XOXO and please vote for me in the stupid Poetry Idol thing I don't want to lose.
Thanks for stopping by my blog to tell me about your giveaway!
...and he's Oh Sew Fantastic! You do amazing 3D work! I wish my first tries looked as nice as he does!
...and you had me laughing with the lovely assistant comments!
Adorable! If I win I want you to give it to your daughter!
My sweet little girlie was furious with me yesterday because the eggs I was making were not for her.
The bear's face is so perfectly shaped. Whenever I try to stuff something it gets awfully lumpy. Nice job!
Oh My Goodness! He is just a lovely bear! Now i'm in REAL trouble if you start making teddies! They are a real soft spot of mine...I just went up in the closet and took some old store bought(Boyd's)bears to the Paper Sparrow to be adopted, with the proceeds going to the local animal shelter. I knew i was making room for new hand made bears... Will you be making these for sale? I think you should! I know there is a market for them out there( like ME!:)
Doesn't your daughter have e-mail?? Tell her to enter. Then tell her she won. What could be better.
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