Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ill Communication


I wish I could just crawl under a quilt on the couch and watch an Ann Of Green Gables marathon, or The Hell Raiser movies 1-3. O.K., I just realized that those two options reveal totally separate but equally questionable things about me.

Just hand me a tissue and say Gesundheit!


Anonymous said...

I'm soooo sorry you are sick! I love Anne of Green Gables - in fact watched 3 of them recently. My county library had them on DVD and I checked them out. However, when I'm sick I watch Star Trek movies and episodes! Guess we both have split personalities.....

Nancy in Atlanta

stacebro said...

Is it bad form to say I told you so? I thought you were sick...

Hope you feel better soon, lovely lady. It was soooo good to see you.

Miss yer face.

Mare said...

God Bless You! Get Well soon! :)

diane said...

that is a cool shot! should be a riccola ad--makes me want to sing out the song- ric-o-laaaaaa

hope you feel better soon!

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