
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Just Looking

I have been missing for a few days. I am only just found and my words have not yet all come back to me. I will post in pictures I think, they are worth a thousand words, isn't that what they say?

The light has changed.
And the rain is returned.

I was found yesterday, here in the garden.
fernapple blossomvegetable bedsack of potatoesspireablueberry blossomslittle purple flowerfern again


  1. Such wonders brought by spring. I like the ferns a lot, great pics, as always! -Sylvie

  2. thanks everyone, I've been having a good time wiht my camera lately!

  3. Ah, such wonderful garden pictures. A perfect place to be found! Yours is so far ahead of ours! Zone envy!!

  4. Thank you for sharing all the beauty around you! Your photos are lovely.... :)


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