
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

watcha wearing wednesday

There are quite a few very lovely Australian blogs I like to read and I kept coming across posts titled 'whatcha wearing wednesday'. I got curious and found that the very talented and impressively shoed Fi of dearfii started this whole business. So, I thought I would play along about once a month or so. Here is my first www post.

Vintage red flowers from my Nanan's craft collection.
Chunky turquoise necklace - gift from a friend.
Black peasant blouse and skirt.

Have a terrific Wednesday!


  1. OMG look at your perfect hair. You have no grey! You are making me truly envious. I can't possibly show that view of my hair, everyone would think I was like 90 years old.

    I love the earrings. You did not say where they came from. They look sort of Asian perhaps.

  2. Thanks Claire, it must be the lighting because I have loads of grey! The earrings were a gift from my mother.


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