
Monday, April 20, 2009

UFO Sighting

One of the by-products of cleaning up my work space is the finding of unfinished objects tucked away in every nook and cranny. Sometimes it's like finding buried treasure, other times it's either a little sad or downright hilarious (in that 'what was I thinking?' kind of way).

I was reminded that back in the day, I did a fair amount of quilting. I never mastered the art of the actual hand quilting of my finished pieces but, I did love the process of piecing all those little patchwork lovelies together. I haven't had the amount of room comfortable for quilting in quite some time. I could though, find enough space for some baby or lap quilts. Hmmm, sweet little quilts, oh yes!

I found this twin size quilt top that I made for my niece when she was a baby, she's 9 now! O.K. add that to the 'To Do' list.

In any case, my work space is workable again. I haven't finished the tedious organization projects, nor have I prettified the place but, I am liking the new flow and I snuck in a few extra square feet by shoving some tools and paint cans out of the way.

Now, where is that list?


  1. I cleaned my sewing space today, so I totally understand. I have several UFOs going. The quilt for your niece is beautiful.

  2. are you having a contest to win the quilt like the bear? me me me me! your niece is way too old for that thing now. :)

  3. I love the picture from the "round" quilt pattern. We are making one on the quilt morning and call it broken china.

  4. Tremendous! I love that twin quilt. Really you must finish it. I can never get my triangle corners to look that perfect. Now I'm envious about your hair AND your quilting skills. I really must go read someone else's blog now or I'll cry. ;-)


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