
Friday, December 18, 2009


I have giddy feeling of joy in my heart and a song on my lips. I had a truly lovely birthday day yesterday. It began with Miss Ringlet singing her interpretation of the birthday song to me. What a nice way to start the day!

I had arranged to be solo for a few hours in the morning to indulge in the rare thriftapalooza. I drove all over kingdom come to my favorite thrifty haunts, unimpeded by appointments or a runaway girl. Sadly, the thrift store shelves were woefully barren of the treasures I had imagined in my fevered mind. I did come out with two small finds and spent very little money, so...

I received some spectacular gifts. I must say, I am a very lucky duck indeed.

A nice bottle of wine and some homemade kahlua from sweet friends.

The most fabby wrist warmers, handmade from recycled wool sweater. I am in love with these and have been wearing them non-stop. Look at their splendid stripeyness! They are from Prairie Path. These were from my mother in-law, the very kind Fancy Nancy Jane. She also gave me a handcrafted necklace from another artist but, it seems Miss Ringlet has squirreled it away somewhere I can't find it.

In the post, I received a package of birthday glee from the very dear Dottie Angel. A gorgeous Japanese craft book and a copy of The Artful Blogger magazine. A vintage tablecloth that left me in a deep swoon for several minutes. And my very own "forsaken soul". Oh the delight!

From The Engineer, who is really quite a good gift giver, a new phone to replace my old failing dinosaur of a phone. He was taking note of how I struggled so pathetically with the texting thing and so this one has a flip out keyboard, nifty! Isn't it spiffy looking too, even all blurry like that in the photo? Then, because he is a very good man, he gave me a gift certificate to my favorite little beach cottage...any two nights of my choosing...for a solo coast trip. Yes, just me and the gulls and the view from my windows over the ocean!

I ended my birthday day with an evening in the company of a very dear friend, sipping wine on the front porch and talking about our lives, it was just the right way to end the day.

I am so very moved and grateful for such wonderful friends and family. What more does anyone need? I am so very blessed as I begin a new year and a new chapter of my life. All that is left to say is this...YEEHAW!

Thanks again for being the best bunch around, you are all so good to me...and might I say, you are all so good looking!
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. What a lovely birthday! And you have a blogging MIL... coooool! as the boys would say. Or actually, I suppose they would say, 'c'est cool, ça!', but there you go.

    A phone, a trip away, jewellery, wrist warmers, a vintage tablecloth and great company - they more than make up for 'one of those days' at the thrift shops. Have a wonderful year!

  2. Happy Birthday-Boxing-Day Alex!
    What a fandabidozeee time you have had with some splendid gifts too! Your delight and happiness shines out through this blog post, and I am so pleased you have had a Happy Birthday.
    Happy Days!
    Denise x

  3. Happy Birthday sweetie!! sounds like you had the best time ever. What a lot of lovely, loving people you have around you, and some gorgeous pressies too. Love the stripey wrist warmers xo

  4. Oh I'm so glad you had a great day, with those you love, and with rather wonderful gifties too!

    Before that picture of your birthday wine, I misread I'm afraid... I thought you wrote "..I'm a very lucky drunk indeed!" ;)

    Hope you have a glorious birthday week, because you are allowed to you know!

  5. LOVE the solo trip away. That would totally thrill me, too

  6. So glad you had a wonderful day. Happy, happy!

  7. happy belated birthday, alex! (i will make a note for next year...:) what wonderful, wonderful gifts, the wristwarmers, the red (swoon) phone and the days in a cottage are my three favourites, if i was to pick. but of course the diversity and the thoughtfulness of all the gifts and birthday moments are wonderful, together they weave a special and memorable day for a special woman.

  8. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Your days sounded wonderful. I especially love the idea of homemade kahlua. What a perfect present from your husband. But of course you deserved it all! xo m.

  9. My oh my, it does sound like a wonderful birthday indeed. Wrist warmers AND two nights at a beach cottage, you are so lucky :)

  10. SQEEE For all of your amazing gifts! What a good man you have! Two night all to your self. Delightful.

    I'm sorry your thrifty trip didn't turn out as planned (it is a bit close to xmas for full shelves ;) )

    Hope the rest of the year continues to be lovelye

  11. I am sorry I missed this post earlier but so very happy for a wonderful birthday. I could feel the warmth and peace emanating from your entry. Hope all your days this next year is filled with this much love.


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