
Monday, December 21, 2009

Neither Partridge nor Von Trapp

But we are a musical family...

We all play music.

We all sing.

And we all listen...a lot!

Alas, we have not had a working turntable in ages...and ages.

In fact, if you were a superstitious sort, you might think that there was a curse upon us and our audio equipment. In the 6 years we have lived in our cottage, we have gone through nearly as many turntables.

But late last night, we were the recipients of a little Christmas miracle. A gift to our musical family. Something in the Holy Grail category of vintage turntables came to our cottage. A turntable of the utmost kind.

Oh, isn't it stunning? There were new vintage speakers too!

So, I stayed up late and played DJ. Records I have long missed - listened to in the glow of twinkle lights. Made me want to make a mixed tape! It just sounded so good.

May music be in your hearts my friends.


  1. We bought a Crosley record player 2 years ago and I love it! Mostly Christmas and gospel, with a bit of Elvis thrown in for good measure. Oh, and lest we forget, the Carpenters!!! You will get so much pleasure out of it! And nothing sounds quite like an old album, right?

  2. That is a beautiful turntable.

    One other thing, your family tends to have the cutest shoes and boots - just an observation.

  3. Beautiful. You have a lot of dancing and singing to do! Go and be merry! xo m.

  4. *whispers for she is not supposed to be computering, at this late festive stage*

    Oh, to have your record collection! I have a teensy, weensy amount compared with that... and some, horribly, were warped in a sunroom "incident" last summer.

    On the upside, so many less records to play results in a rather pristine record player... ;)

    Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd, how could you have been lusting after my old boots when you have.... THOSE?!


    (NOW, I'm gone.) ;)

  5. Wonderful gift - I some of my uncle's '70s record collection, and Ben has his from the '80s, and we can't listen to them either. So glad to hear about music in your lives. Our family currently consists of three pianists, two guitarists, two singers and three recorder players of very varying standard... Have a wonderful Christmas.

  6. that sounds and looks wonderful! i love music, but alas i don't play myself. i used to play guitar for many years, i have no singing voice and the playing just petered. i wonder how much i remember about guitar playing now? maybe it resembles riding the bike...?

    such an enviable trait, musicality and living in a musical family!

  7. yea! We have a non-working turntable as well and I am badly missing my vinyls (and all that great kids music I still have)

  8. you guys are so cool.
    LOVE the pics too!


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