
Monday, December 7, 2009

Red and White

The colors of my winter. I'm slowly making festive the little cottage. Arranging and re-arranging...and then arranging again.

The hook and I are steady companions. You will be happy to know that I have finally moved on (for now) from going in circles. You will have to wait and see what shapes I am obsessed with now.

Nothing is complete, it's all in various stages of making but, I am pottering along well enough.

This week things may be a little spotty around here. Grandma is in town which has been quite the treat. Parent teacher conference is scheduled. Sundry appointments need to be kept. So, if all is quiet here, it means I'm out and about doing the daily.

I wish you all a happy Monday!


  1. i love your red and white, i spent most of last night (much to my husbands annoyance!) tweaking the christmas decorations he he! fliss xx

  2. Oh so pretty!

    I love your festive red & white decorations - classic yet creative... like Ms Lola Nova herself me thinks... ;)

  3. I went from trees to stars to rounds to flakes! Now I am trying to finish up a shawl I have been working on for ages. Perfect to toss over my shoulders while sitting at the computer!

  4. They really do look fabulous - love the doilies with the birds and your circles are always divine. I've just discovered the amazing hexagon blanket at Attic 24:
    It's become my holiday project. Good luck with all your busy things. K

  5. Hello there - Happy Tuesday! We are quite the same - far too much going on to really keep in touch with blogland at the moment. I love your red birds on the white doileys.

  6. Mmmm. Nice red and white and circles. There's some festive hooking going on around here too. (please read that in the way it was intended)...

  7. The bright red bird on the doilies is stunning. Is that a shodowbox they are mounted in (on)?

  8. I love the birds on doilies. Festive, but I'd have them up in my place year round. xoxo m.

  9. Thank you all so much, you do know how to make a girl feel nice.

    Life's Highway= It is a frame that belonged to my family, over 100 years old. I don't know what was originally in it, had it for years.

  10. I love all that red and white - and I love all your crochet - I wish, I wish I could crochet - the lack of this skill is making a big hole in my life.

    Pomona x


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