
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Have you seen my sparkle?

Tis the season for sparkle.
I had plans to make with the festive, really... I intended to break out my sparkle and wow you with a big "Ta Da!" I have to wonder now, if my best intentions were truly my best. Perhaps they were merely good intentions; possibly even average, oh dear. I know for certain that I meant well.

Things simply ran amok, wrenches were thrown into the works, cold weather and cricks in the neck; the death of a gold fish and gas leaks at the school; impending guests that I was unaware of until my husband said "Oh, by the way..."; the dawning of understanding that two weeks from today I will be turning 41 and am feeling painfully human; it has all wrecked havoc. Not to mention, the walls are all the wrong color. To the point... the big "Ta Da," turned into a big "Ta Don't," and "quick hide it away before anyone sees!"

...and now that I have peaked your curiosity...I am going to shamelessly change the subject and bring you the saga of Troublesome Dutch Girl and the Lumberjack.

Whilst readying my mantle for some sparkle, I discovered a drama taking place.

The Lumberjack has taken notice of the Troublesome Dutch Girl, finds her irresistible and waves a greeting.

He tries to entice her with a ride in his giant pineapple boat.

She is not impressed and walks away.

Broken hearted, the Lumberjack wallows in his own misery.
I could have told him that it would not end well.

I'm off (oh yes that is obvious), I am going in search of my sparkle and I will keep you posted.


  1. So funny! We laughed out loud! I hope there will be further installments of the lumberjack's adventures with that hoity toity Dutch Girl ! His pained expression in the final picture says it all !
    Happy December Birthday! I'm 15th - when are you? 17th? But I have had a few more years revolving around the sun, than you ....
    D xxx

  2. Oh you crack me up sweet lady!

    I hope you find your sparkle soon, but if not, no matter, you glitter & shine as it is.

    I very much like your Lumberjack's boots, I do believe Pamela Anderson is a fan of boots like that, perhaps they would get along - he might forget all about that troublesome Dutch girl in a heartbeat.

  3. Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Butt Off! I love toys in awkward
    social situations! lol!

  4. I LOVED this tale. I love how she teases him by looking initially very intrigued, and then ... hmph! I hope Lumberjack's heart heals and you find your sparkle. But if you don't find your sparkle, don't worry too much, it'll just be stronger for it next year. :)

  5. Always nice to know I've brought a smile to your face. Perhaps I will keep an eye on that Lumberjack and see what shenanigans he gets up to, I'll fill you in if there is anything juicy.

    A Bun= Yes, the 17th is day. Thanks for the wishes and to you as well :)

  6. it would appear broken hearts abound... upon your mantlepiece and upon my doorstep. i wonder once again, if we were not seperated at birth ;)

  7. How could anyone possibly turn down a lumberjack in tight pants with his very own pineapple boat...
    is she mad?
    who or what is stealing her away?
    judging by his knuckles, the lumberjack's been fighting...why?
    you know I'm not going to sleep tonight, I'll be ruminating for hours... x

  8. I was wondering if it was the beard, or perhaps the red shirt? You could always go down the tasteful route - not sparkle, just a few snowflakes. I am relying on Princess Bunchy to take charge in our house - I personally would like some crochet bunting, but I can't crochet and neither can she, so that is a bit of a dead end! It'll be the same old stuff as last year, and the year before that, and the year before that ... etc, ad infinitum!

    Pomona x

  9. Drama, romance, adventure... all the makings of a great drama.

    Now I must know, will the Lumberjack ever find true love? Will the Dutch Girl continue to search for her Dutch Boy companion?

    Sparkles come in many forms.

  10. So funny. You are all sparkle, lady. Don't you think otherwise for a second! :)

    Happy birthday a little early, too.

  11. You are so sparkly you are blinding! Early Happy Birthday wishes from your other birth month Sistah!(Oh and Happy Birthday to you too Bun! :)

  12. Oh yes turning 41 seems to mess with ones mind...more so I fear than what turning 40 did...All I can say is that as my 41st year is progressing it is getting much brighter...

  13. This cracked me up, and believe me, when you've been studying for an Evidence exam for 3 days, you need a little something to laugh about. :-)

    I'll be hitting 41 just about 4 months after you. Let me know what I should expect...

  14. i can totally see you moving the figurines around and cracking up the whole time. i love it!

  15. I can't wait to see what other figurines might pop up in this drama... And I'm turning 41 at the end of January, so add me to the list of folks wantin' to find out what it's like before it happens... Is it too late to run away? : )

  16. Oh dear! I hope the Lumberjack pulls up his boots soon and move on. There are lots of other girls in the sea. Especially when ya have a pineapple boat!
    LOL! Love it.

  17. Poor old lumberjack, what sort of gal isn't impressed by a pineapple boat huh ?

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