
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Show and Tell

When we arrived home from our holiday, I was greeted by a mailbox stuffed to the gills with small parcels. Really, is there anything better than spying those envelopes and boxes in the post? Well, after unloading and putting away, I sat down with my bounty and began tearing into the parcels.
The first was from California and intended for Little Miss Ringlet, from my mother. A sweet little purse in bright colors.

The second envelope had winged it's way from France. Not too long ago, I had made a comment to the lovely Floss on her blog, about how I wished I could find some second hand issues of the British Country Living magazine. She replied that she had an extra copy from summer and did I want it? She also sent along some sweet summery buttons that I will use in a special project. I am touched that she went to the time and expense to send this to me. If you haven't seen her blog, head on over.
Edited to add: Floss has also set up an amazing vintage shop here! I just looked and she has some gorgeous vintage buttons I am quite tempted by, so pretty!

The final parcel came from across the country from June At Noon. Gretchen has been a supportive blog friend and has a wonderful blog and a new Etsy Shop. She makes gorgeous hand embroidered items and carries original embroidery designs in her shop. I happened to win a give away from her! So exciting! A beautiful hand embroidered pin cushion, a couple pieces of yummy fabric, and two full spools of ribbon. Yay! She also sent me one of her patterns that I am hoping to get to before too long.

I am indeed a lucky duck! A big thank you to the most generous folks of blogland, you are ace!


  1. It arrived quite quickly, didn't it? I'm so glad that you like the buttons too. Haven't you done well with other goodies as well? I see there is a French theme developing...

  2. oh i agree, a stuffed mailbox is one of life's treasures! (my mailbox is situated just my the walk path and i have to say, touch wood, i'm so grateful that so far noone has tried to grab something from it when its overflowing...).
    the purse is so sweet and that eiffel tower pin cushion is quite quite enviable...

  3. what fun! love ringlet's purse :)
    and the pin cushion is adorable too.

  4. How sweet is that??? I LOVE getting packages in the mail! And I have seen the British Country Living for sale at our local Barnes and Noble, but was waiting for the Dec. issue before I jumped in and bought one.

  5. What fun to have a mailbox full of goodies! I'm glad your package has arrived safely and hope you'll enjoy it! :)

  6. How nice. What a treat for you. The little purse is especially adorable. Glad you're home safely and hope you settle into your routine smoothly. xo m.

  7. Gorgeous goodies... I love postal goodness too :) K


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