
Friday, April 2, 2010

I'm no April fool

No, I have been a busy bee... getting a few things ready for the shop. I'll be putting some new wares on the shelves at last! Oh yes, it feels quite good to finally have some fresh inventory.

There will be a couple of new journals and I do believe I have sorted out my Hook Books rather nicely.

The Hook Books are made from all recycled and vintage materials (but for the snappy snaps and zippity zips). The fabrics are all vintage, which always makes me ever so happy.

I am quite smitten with these little lovelies. A place for your family of crochet hooks, a zippy pocket for stitch markers, yarn needles and the like, and a spot for a notebook or pattern notes and a pen. If you are not the crocheting kind, never fear! I have discovered that these make a cozy home for arty pens and pencils with the pocket used for an eraser and sharpener. I imagine you could come up with all sorts of uses for it really.

Well now, I'd best be off to tidy up the shop, I'm heading over there now to place these sweet things just so. There is still a lot of goodness in the works too, hoping for another update next week.

I have other fab things to share with you after the weekend. I will tell you all about my latest discovery, some sweet seniors, and what I found by the side of the road. Have a joyous weekend and Happy Easter to those who observe. I myself, am looking forward to nibbling the ears of a chocolate bunny or two.


  1. what a delightful blog.
    i saw a comment you had made on another blog and well, it.s a silly story, but you suggested "lottie" as the name for a dewdrop doll and my grandma.s name was "lottie" and i haven.t heard anyone speak it in ages and i was just thinking of her!
    so, you gave me a HAPPY surprise.
    so glad you did because i can just TELL i am going to get a ton of inspiration from you!
    happy friday to you!

  2. Looking forward to next week when you share your discoveries, seniors and side of the road finds. Sounds great! Happy Easter with the chocolate bunnies.

  3. oh deer! *giggles*

    So pretty! and I am salivating over the hook books!

  4. Your Hook Books are gorgeous!
    You have been a busy gal!
    Happy Easter!
    Rachel x

  5. These are wonderful! Such a great idea and such great designs.

  6. I love the hook books. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  7. happy easter and i can't wait to see what you found on the side of the road. love the journals!- i've recently discovered that i need to start clipping coupons- wonder if you could make a coupon book or something cute to hold coupons? i'd buy one! omg i am turning into june cleaver or something help.

  8. from sassy in red to sunny in yellow, the look ab fab! and i adore mine too:)


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