
Monday, November 29, 2010

Aimless making and embracing the wonk

Hello friends, how nice to be back after my little break. We had a lovely holiday with family and friends. Good food, conversation and a couple of days of just hanging out. During my break, with the kidlet home from school, I knew that most of my making would be spent in the kitchen, oven on, goodies baking...and not much of the crafty bits. Still, I managed to sit down a couple of times with hook in hand.

Thing is, I had no real idea of what I was going to do. Just a few leftovers of dodgy yarn and a need to make my hands move with the work.

So, what happens when you sit down to make for the sake of making, one stitch after another with no clear destination, just moving hands and color changes? One round in dc, another in hdc, an increase here, a decrease there, and you keep going ...waiting to see what it is going to be.

A pot holder? No, we've gone too far for that. A sweet little bag? No, I don't think so. Oh say, how about a basket? A four apple cozy? Now that's an idea!

Silly thing, all full of wonk, hardly graceful or even, or truly pretty. Still, I really enjoyed the act, the not knowing, the aimless making of it. It is useful and loved and I embraced the wonk whole heartedly!

A lesson in letting go and not pinching my perfectionist 'till I'm bruised. It is what it is, and I like it.

Oh, did I tell you I made a hat? He he. She loves the hat, the face is her "I've reached my photo limit mama" expression.

Now I'm off to see what's been going on out there in blogland while I was away! Have a stellar day!


  1. Well, it's a cute hate. During the holidays we all reach our photo limit.

  2. That is a precious silly face.

    A double duty creation and I can see in my mind adding a crochet handle and you can have a soft basket to bring in the eggs.

    Have a great day!

  3. Yes, I like what Sherri said, some little handles would be cute. I think it is great and nice to make something without a goal in mind.

  4. Oh thats making me laugh! P.G is an absolute classic!

  5. I love it! What a sweet hat, it looks good on your very cute girl. So glad you had a nice break, & love your new header with that gorgeous tray!

  6. Loving the new look blog!
    I love that about crochet. I love how you can get into a trance just hooking around and around and all of a sudden you have something to show for it. Knitting on the other hand is a whole different story.
    Welcome home lovely Alex, so pleased to hear you had a great break.

  7. Well, it's cute, whatever it is! Embracing wonk is a very good thing, I think.

  8. I should follow your example. I find it difficult to diverse from a pattern and I really should just let go, experiment and see what happens.

  9. Well either way you've got some snug apples or a toasty head :) Win, win I'd say.

  10. Haha, she looks so cute. I quite like it for apples. :)


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