
Friday, November 19, 2010

It's Friday!

I'm gearing up for next weeks school holiday and family holiday. Truth be told my head is in a spin and a last minute B-day pres is required for tonight! Eeek! With all the planning, cooking, making, and general full house mayhem, I think that it might be wise for me to take a little blog break. So, I hope that you and yours have a truly wonderful week next week while I'm away being very thankful for all I have.

Oh yes, I have fallen behind on my own self portrait challenge, I know, I know. I could have picked a better time of year for this really! In any case, I do have one from Halloween that I have been remiss in showing you. The process of this photo has led me to the discovery of feather eyelashes, more fun than I ever would have imagined!

See you soon!


  1. That first image is so sweet! And feather eyelashes, wow! Enjoy your time away. I'm thankful for this little space you have here. :0

  2. I want feather lashes, how fun !!!

    We will miss you but knowing you are having a grand time will make it all better...

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and all of your family.

  3. Ohh so much more glam than I was! Interesting to see you minus the curls.
    Have a great break. xx

  4. Oh, those lashes! Divine. Have a fun break.

  5. Your little key to my heart frame is so sweet...
    I really have to make some more frame...They are gorgeous...
    LOVE,LOVE,LOVE the eyelashes!!!

  6. where does one get such goodness that is those eyelashes. Eeeeee!!!Great picture!!!!

  7. Have a good break. :)

    Dang, those eyelashes are intense!

  8. Oh - those eyelashes are genius. Funny, I'd never worn falsies until this halloween. I found jewelled spidres web ones. They were ace.

  9. ... and you'd be incredibly welcome. Don't wait for the currents though, just flutter those ginormous lashes and you'll be here in a heartbeat! I've put the kettle on x

  10. Love those lashes - that picture is fantastic.
    I just did a post inspired by your challenge.

    Enjoy the holidays - hope you come back refreshed!

  11. I'm just BESIDE MYSELF over your lashes! I need to take myself off to some sort of extravagant ball or somesuch. (hey, fabulous pic, to boot)...

  12. oh you know i LOVE that photo, it's so gorgeously creative!

    and that crochet-heart-key ornament on top, adorable.

    i have so not read other people's blogs lately so it'll take quite some time working/reding/enjoying them now, one post at a time, working my way down from the last one. topsy-turvy (a bit like life).

    happy weekend to you too!

  13. I hope you have been having a lovely blog break and holiday, but can you hurry up and come back now, I miss your lovely visits and hearing about which pair of stripey socks you have pulled from the drawer.
    By the way, I LOVE your Halloween portrait, those lashes are fabulous :) xx


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