
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Are you as busy at your house as we are at the little green cottage?

We've had a wonderful few days with Nana visiting. Pony Girl has been soaking up some Nana love for sure! Just a few more days of school before the holiday break, which means I need to get super busy.

This weekend I had the immense pleasure of finding my little 'Happy How To' featured on Whipup. Such an amazing site full of tutorials, reviews, interviews, and loads of inspiration! They have an awesome 2011 calendar available for download for just $5.00! Go check it out.

I'm also gearing up for a birthday on Friday. I have to admit, I am approaching 42 with considerably less grace than 41. In fact, I may just not bother at all. As Pony Girl said to me last night, "I'm skipping bedtime tonight," maybe I'll just skip turning 42.

I don't imagine I will be around much this week - what with gifts to finish, a drivers license to renew, gray hairs to banish, and a mountain of laundry to climb. So, I am wishing you now a glorious week!

See you soon.


  1. 42 is the new 38. Slip disgracefully in to what in our mother's days was known as middle age. The wonderful about being the other side of 40 as I am discovering, especially from my late teens students, is that I am now off the radar. To all youth I am an irrelevance that knows nothing and couldn't have possibly done anything of any interest. This sort of gives me carte blanche to behave any which way I like and watch their startled expressions! Next stop hand knitted blankies by the fire side, slippers and a cup of hot chocolate. Oh hang on....
    Have a wonderful birthday xx

  2. Hey Alex, it's my birthday this week too! Tomorrow (Weds) !!
    All the best people are born in December :-)
    have a great week and lots of treats on your special day,
    Denise x

  3. Well Happy Birthday!!! Don't skip your birthday - make sure to celebrate, maybe with a day just to yourself or doing something you love.

  4. Busy is right! I am typing with one hand and opening the front door with the other. Have a great visit with Nana and a very happy birthday too.

  5. I recommend skipping the birthday but not the presents or the cake!!!
    Happy week. :)
    Vivienne x

  6. Happy Birthday when it arrives. I'm hitting 42 a few days after xmas. Seems I lost a few years in between because I don't feel like 42. You don't seem like one either.


  7. It sounds like you're having a great time, and I am delighted that you're 'warming up' 42 for me, before I get there about six months later... It'll be great, I'm sure!

  8. Hey, are all of us going to be 42? What's going on here?

  9. So busy, I feel like a bee in a bottle! Buzzing around with way too much to do & not really getting anywhere fast! Congrats on your feature & I hope you got to enjoy having nana around too...

  10. happy birthday!
    i've decided to choose an age and stay that age every year ;)

  11. I love that thing that mel wrote about buzzing about in a bottle! Yep, its a bit insane over here too. Hooray for the How to feature, its on my list of things to do over the holidays.
    And a huge happy birthday for later in the week, if I don't see you before then. I hope 42 is a wonderful one for you. X

  12. you have to turn 42 otherwise you'll never get to 43 and believe me... 43 rocks!
    Happy Birthday! x

  13. Hmm crazy busy here too - though I don't have a birthday to look forward to. Enjoy a day all about you, they don't happen often enough! Just ignore the numbers bit, who cares about numbers anyhow?
    Have a great week, and a wonderfully Happy Birthday, x

  14. Happy Birthday for Friday! We have one here on Thursday. My toy boy turns 39. LOL

    Hope you can get all that you want done before Friday. I've already done the mad rush about to get everything done before the kids were finished with school. So I can relate to the feeling.

  15. Well, happy birthday to you! We have quite a few December birthdays in our family, so I'm up to my ears in planning and gifting between all of those and Christmas. Hope your time is nice!

  16. I too have grey hairs to banish and a 42nd birthday only a month away...My 40s are chugging along nicely but I wont be doing much on my birthday either. Have to go and watch my hubby bike ride up and down 200km of Alpine roads. Easier to just give the day a miss lol.

  17. Have a Happy Birthday and if you are going to banish a few gray hairs pick a luscious color.

  18. Dear lovely Alex
    Sending you big hugs, sacks full of birthday treats and my very best wishes to you for the happiest of years ahead !
    Have a lovely time!
    Denise x

  19. I hope you had a nice birthday lovey and you got cake and all that!
    Yes busy here too.


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