
Friday, December 10, 2010

C'mon Get Happy!

Kate from Fox's Lane has a little happy meme going on and I thought it was a great way to start the weekend! So, here is what is making me happy:

A fleeting moment of winter light coming through the window.
A warm little green cottage.
The Engineer cheering me on.
My daughter's knock knock jokes that make no sense.
Mastering zippers.
A friend who laughs out loud at my puns.
Vintage Gingham.
Singing in the car.
Homemade jam.
A healthy family.
Stripy socks always make me happy!
Twinkle lights.
Blog buddies.
Happy Lists.

Go find a whole bunch of happy over here!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I really do have so much to be happy about too, so a 'Happy List' is now on my list for today.

    One thing I can say right now...Lola Nova's blog Always makes me happy!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Love the Happy vibe that is going on :) I may need to join cause this sure was happy week.

  3. Lovely list and thank YOU for the lovely comments on my blog.I'm off for another dose of happy x

  4. I love you list! And your photo makes me happy too :)

  5. A gorgeous list & who couldn't smile when wearing stripey socks!!

  6. Oh I wish my friends would laugh out loud at my puns - that would certainly make me happy! And winter sunshine, to be cherished indeed.

  7. LOL we get the knock knock jokes that make no sense too!

  8. We too have those knock knock jokes! And a clean table would make me really happy!

  9. This list of happy makes me smile! :)

  10. Love that whole happy list blog buddy of mine!
    In our house we call those jokes 'prep jokes'. Prep is the first class of school here. Our house is always full of them. Thanks so much for joining in the happy thing, I was so excited to click your link and read your list. I hope you have a wonderful weekend too. X

  11. Ah, yes, knock knock jokes from young 'uns. My little one doesn't really GET them but she sure tries hard. A lovely happy list.

  12. Singing in the car and Stripey socks are just the best!!
    but even better are blog buddies!
    SUper list

  13. Love that list and love you too! :)

  14. this post and finding your lovely blog has certainly peked up my day. i have been recovering from a sad day in the week and realise that if i list all the other things that have happened (the lovely and good things) there is still so much to be thankful for.

    warm happy blessings


  15. Petal was on a roll with the funnies the other day. Not a single joke made sense but she was laughing so hysterically that I couldn't help but join in :)


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