
Sunday, January 30, 2011

'Ta Da!'...It was fun, it was hard, I learned a lot...or the trouble with photographing an eclipse

and on with the reveal...
You'll just have to believe me when I say that this looks different in person...and by 'different', I mean better. This little art quilt is a trick and a half to photograph. I just couldn't seem to capture it's 'trueness'.

I'm calling it, Eclipse.

a patch of antique kimono silk, that was patched itself - long ago by distant hands.

When I see it hanging on the wall, it makes me smile and jump ahead in my mind to the next one, and the next one after that; for that is how much I really and absolutely like it. There is a good heaping helping of the 'journey over the destination' appeal here.

the print was made using a hand-cut stencil and detail masking with custom mixed fabric inks.

It was meant to be primitive, simple, and an experiment just to see if it might work, this long mulled over idea of mine. Oh yes, next time there will be less impatience, more care and a few different choices but, there will indeed be a next time.
What I learned for the future was:
1. A less loosely woven fabric for large prints would be much better, making for considerably less shifty infuriation, seeping inks, and nasty cursings.
2. Use fresh inks - I used some that were a bit past their prime and paid for it.
3. My embroidery skills need a little polishing up.

Oh, I do like it though, so does the engineer by the way. And I'm just going to pretend that the smaller wonky embroidered circle is not driving me batty! (I pulled out the stitches twice and on my third go it was still askew - so I figured it was best left to it's heartbreaking honesty.)

Well, that's all I've got for today. I think for my next unveiling, I might go for something a little less nerve wracking, a safe recipe perhaps...


  1. Looks great. I like the colour scheme and your eclipse circles look great to me : )

  2. It is so Fantastic! The smaller circle is perfect with the primative kimono piece. This is my type of art..I can feel this piece in my heart. I am so excited for you, for the happiness you have making that picture in your mind come alive...I am going to go look at it some more.

  3. this is sooo cool! And a great art piece...makes me want to listen to jazz hehe

  4. It looks fantastic, I absolutely love it!

  5. You know, I think the wonky circle is quite an important part of it - although I can understand why you won't believe that until you've had it around for a while. And the use of the patched kimono fabric is fantastic - that really inspires me! All in all, it's a great piece.

  6. Wow! I really really love it! I wish my students would produce work that makes me sit up like this! And the inclusion of the piece of patched Kimono is genius. Takes it away to another level, introducing all that unknown history for us to ponder upon. How did it tear, who patched it, who owned it?
    But then again, who lives in those tower blocks?
    The front on feels like a school to me, but I think that is due to the sign over the door oh and the steps leading you up and away in to the land of Lola learning. Its so full of character and life and noise, there just has to be children screaming up and down the corridors up to no good and writing on the toilet walls. The one behind must be an office block there is something more severe and impersonal about it. But I can imagine people looking up from their boring every day routine, putting on their protective eye wear (ever the mum!) and watching that beautiful eclipse. Then returning to their desks and thinking "its not too bad really".
    The really great thing is you are probably sitting there now scratching your head and saying, but thats not what its about at all!

  7. Love it! Really cool! Beautiful understated tones.

  8. Oh my goodness, I LOVE it! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! I like the way you mixed your media, love the previously patched kimono (what a neat story!), love every bit of wonk that might be in there because it makes it special and lovingly made by HAND! Gorgeous.

  9. I can't say anything more than anyone else but to say I LOVE IT. I have always had a weakness for fiber art.

  10. love love love it!

    i ♥ wonky.

    i think it's perfect.

  11. Oh I love it! It's always really hard for me to find something I love enough to hang on my walls - this made me want to give it a go.

  12. This is wonderful! You did a great job.

  13. it's wicked cool and i'm digging that little bit of wonky x

  14. It's great! :) Love the little piece of antique fabric.
    Vivienne x

  15. Its beautiful! I'm totally inspired...I've got ideas bouncing all over the place right now! And I love your binding around the edges. So cool.


    I like your nerve wracking. 'Safe' never got the heart thumpety thumping.

  17. I quite like it! And I like the little red circle. Gives it character. :)

  18. Wow - it looks great, I love a bit of wonky, I love the kimono patch too - so many stories in there. Hope there will be more...

  19. It looks really fabulous. I would rate that as a big experimental win.


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