
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

In The Kitchen with Lola

Southwest Salad

It seems I recall mentioning something about a recipe in my last post, and why not? It seems this week I am up to my elbows in domestic chaos bliss, and there's been a lot of cooking and baking going on in the little green cottage.

Today I am bringing you not one but two, easy peasy, healthful recipes that work together. The first is for a southwest black bean and rice salad. It's something I put together years ago and has become a regular in my kitchen. It is great as a side salad to a Mexican or southwestern dinner. We use it as a burrito filling, wrap it up in a tortilla with cheese and avocado, add some Salsa Chicken (recipe to follow) and enjoy!

Southwest Salad*

2 cups water
1 cup brown rice (I use a brown basmati rice because I like the slightly nutty flavor)

1 can black beans (about 2 cups), drained and rinsed
1 red bell pepper, diced
2-3 scallions (spring onions), sliced
1 cup frozen corn kernels, thawed
1/4 cup fresh cilantro (coriander) leaves, chopped
juice from 1/2 a lemon
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp chili powder
salt and pepper to taste

Place water and rice in a saucepan uncovered on high heat and bring to a soft boil. Turn heat down to a simmer and cover. Cook until all the liquid is absorbed (about 45 min.) and remove from heat. Or cook the rice according to your preferred method.

Meanwhile, prepare the other ingredients and mix together in a large bowl. Once rice is done, I let it rest for 5 minutes then fluff with a fork. I usually let it cool uncovered for a few minutes as well. Then add the rice to the other ingredients and mix well. Adjust seasonings to taste. The mixture will keep in the fridge for 4-5 days. You can serve it room temp. or cold, or as I mentioned heated up in a tortilla. *This recipe is vegan.

Salsa Chicken

This recipe is one of those throw it together and stick it in the oven types so, there isn't a set measurement of all depends on how many people you need to feed.

Salsa Chicken

2 - 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Jar of your favorite salsa
Garlic Granules
Chili Powder

Preheat oven to 350 F. Pat the chicken dry and sprinkle with garlic granules, chili pwd., salt and pepper. Place chicken in a baking dish. Cover each breast with a large spoonful of salsa. Cover the dish and bake until cooked through, about 30 minutes. Let chicken rest for a few minutes then slice the chicken into strips.

As I said, we put this with the bean and rice salad in a tortilla with cheese etc. as a burrito or wrap. It can be served over the salad with sour cream and extra salsa for more of a meal with warm corn tortillas or tortilla chips on the side.

There you have it, 2 easy recipes that are not only yummy but, very healthy too!



  1. i'm so hungry now!!
    did i miss what, if anything besides all of those tasty sounding ingredients, do you use for dressing?
    can't wait to try this :)

  2. Now as a vegetarian, I'm always on the lookout for something new and that Southwest Salad sounds and looks absolutely delicious! Will have to give that a go!!
    Vivienne x

  3. Love this! I see all kinds of dishes that could spin off of these two. One, off of the top of my head could be a southwestern type of frittata.

    Thanks for sharing. Such beautiful photos and with everyone so busy these days, it is a blessing to be able to have recipes like these two to pull from our files.

  4. Looks delicious! And I'm pretty much a sucker for anything with cilantro. Yum.

  5. Ohhhh That looks YUMMY! Thank you for sharing your recipes my friend!

  6. Oh yummy, will certainly try out the rice salad. I made your red lentil stew a while ago, Mr and I loved it - the girls weren't too keen - it was one of those very fussy, I'm not eating anything weeks (more for us though!)
    Thanks for sharing, I'm always in need of cooking inspiration.

  7. I'm veggie too - the salad looks great - thanks!

  8. Umm Ummm! Will have to try the bean thingiemjig out, now I'm supposed (and mainly failing) to be on a diet due to having no clothes left to fit in to.
    Your tale on my blog made me laugh out loud by the way! What a girl!!

  9. ooooh I am soooo trying both!!!! They look fantastic!!!!

    Thanks bunches for sharing!!
    xoxo Jenny

  10. Rachael Ray eat your heart out... if 'In the kitchen with Lola' isn't a great name for a cooking show then I don't know what is? x


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