
Friday, February 4, 2011

I've got Heart

Have you noticed - it's February?!

I am not entirely certain how that happened. Seems just moments ago it was the first day of the new year. How odd.

In honor of my recent discovery (and apparent falling through the cracks of the time-space continuum), I think I am going to crank up the stereo.

Look out February, I'm gonna go Crazy On You!


  1. My mind stereo just put that album on and I heard all of those songs as I read the titles...Reminds me of my past 'wild' side. No getting around it, that is some good music!

    Have a great weekend.

  2. OmyGosh,I just about wore that record out! Thanks for the memories.

  3. I enjoyed that - oldie though I am! Yes, January did seem to fly by - hurrah! Nearly Spring!

  4. I know - February? Already? So crazy.

  5. Oh, you've got me going now! I didn't know anything about Heart until the self-titled album (1985, I see), and I love their 8OS sound, but I think I prefer their 70s look! Thanks for the education, and Happy February!

  6. Hi there, still listening to Heart in between getting the boys to bed! Have you heard their new one, Red Velvet Car? It's very good...

  7. Did January really happen this year? Sigh.

  8. I can't believe its February already either... my goodness. This being our first year married I feel so pressured to come up with something good! But its so hard to know what to do or make for a guy on valentine's....


  9. Far out, you're making me feel old!

    When I see Heart, it reminds me of a friend from high school. She totally loved them.

  10. I don't know where this year is going already!!! It needs to slow down. Btw I love that song and I'm sure I will be humming it for the rest of day and probably tomorrow.

  11. Love the song, yes it's already februari, time goes so fast.
    My grandmother always told me:
    The older you get the quecker the time seems to go...i always thought:
    yeh right, but she was right.
    (sorry for my bad English)


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