
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gone Chicken Wrangling

Hello lovelies, I am taking a few days off from the blog to attend to some administrative duties, housely chores, school volunteering, and general "To Do" list maintenance. See you on the flip side!


  1. That is the cutest chicken wrangler I have ever seen. I see that I am doing it all wrong..I must get dressed for the occasion in pretty bright colors and I have been wearing my boots on the wrong feet. Also making a mental note of Pony Girl's calm and hypnotic application...What a priceless photo!

    See you in a few days.

  2. Hope you're not too shattered and covered in feather on the flip side.

    I'm always impressed when anyone picks up hens, especially looking that fine and dandy. Mine hens look outraged when I even think about doing it. Maybe I need to dress up more for it.


  3. Oh My GOODNESS i LOVE that picture of Pony Girl! Please give her a kiss for me and take care of business(and yourself!)I need to get away from this darn computer and get some work done myself! ;)

  4. Gorgeous photo. Hope you have a successful and eventful few days off. x

  5. I suggest you let at least 4 things fall off the list every day and enjoy a bit of feet up cloud gazing time. If you decide before hand that is what is going to happen then you won't feel guilty when you do it anyway! See you on the other side, but let me leave you with this piece of advice form my mother on housely chores. Only hoover when you can't cover it up with a rug. I have known her to go out and buy a bigger rug after a particularly strenuous weekend of partying!

  6. Adorable photo. It just warms my heart to see a child in the garden, surrounded by animals...even cuter because of the boots on the wrong feet (a mother's eye)

  7. Wow! Pony girl looks like one super stylish chicken hand! Love the skirt and wellies !!
    Wishing you plenty of time to focus and do your thing - see you in a few days!
    D x

  8. So brightly dressed for dealing with chickens, cute!!
    Vivienne x

  9. so cute!
    good luck with all your chores :)

  10. Hope that To Do list is diminishing rapidly. Now do I actually need to keep chickens to get to use any sweeping chicken wrangling statements doyoureckon?

  11. Rockin' that chicken outfit! See you when you get back, x

  12. cutest picture of all time!

  13. Have fun catching up around the house.....

  14. Have fun on your catch up days. Pony Girl is a glorious in her bright colors.

  15. Now THAT is a chook wrangleing outfit Ponygirl!!


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