
Monday, February 14, 2011

Hello Monday - Be Mine

Well hello! Last week just slipped away from me. While I did accomplish some of the tasks on my 'To Do' list, some of them have come undone again. Such is the nature of those lists, they are not static, they are self perpetuating things indeed. I did manage to get my sew on, which was grand. I realized that taking a break from the computer did give me more time to tackle other things. It's good to be back though!

I sent Pony Girl off to school this morning with a sack full of cards and lollies, she was beside herself with excitement. I on the other hand, was feeling the love for my cozy bed and was hard pressed to leave it. So, as I was pulling up the covers I whispered a sweet Valentine to it, and made a promise for some quality time together later on.

While I was tending to business last week, it appears my followers have tipped over the 500 count! Oh my goodness, I am flabbergasted! Thank you wonderful readers, what a happy Valentine gift, you have made me blush!

Now, I'm not too big on the whole Valentines Day hubbub but, I do enjoy seeing Pony Girl all whirly with joy about it. A tradition was started a couple of years ago as a special treat for the small one; a little package of goodies, including Valentines Pajamas! This year I out did myself with one pair of jams and a precious nightgown.

Made from the softest Robert Kaufman flannel with McCalls 5744 pattern. It has been a while since I used one of the 'Big 4' patterns and while it was very simple to sew (I don't think I even looked at the instructions) the proportions are slightly wonky. The torso is very wide but, the arms and sleeves are a bit on the snug side. If I were to make it again, I might adjust the pattern with a deeper under-arm and a wider sleeve.

I love the fabric, look at those sweet butterflies. Pony Girl will get her goodies after school today, I'm sure she will come home laden with cards, sweets, and that 1000 mile stare that comes from a really big day of school mayhem.

I wish you all a day filled with love!


  1. Such a pretty dress. I'm pretty sure Pony Girl will rock those butterflies!

  2. Pony Girl will love her butterfly nightie! I remember how I loved my night gowns and when I would spend the night at my grandma's house she would put a hot water bottle in my bed and turn on the oven, open the door and lay my nightie on it to get it nice to be a child with good moms and grandmas that make wonderful memories.

    Happy Valentines Day to you Lola Nova!

  3. Lucky Pony Girl. Happy Valentines to you all.

  4. Happy Valentines day to you and your family too!! I love this day of school for the kids they get all excited and happy to share. Love the night gown - looks so soft and cuddly.

  5. Such a cute little dress, love the butterfly pattern. Hope you and your family had a lovely valentines.

  6. I love the butterfly nightie! I used to make my two handmade valentines out of bits of lace, velvet and ribbon. There cherish them so, well at least until they got to cool for them.


    ps. kudos on the big 500!

  7. What a lovely looking bed... room for one more? Happy Valentines, x

  8. Lovely nightie - lucky girl. Enjoy all the love and happiness that is filling the air.

  9. I tried to leave you a comment, but it seems to have vanished! Gorgeous nightie - looks so cosy - as does the bed! Hope you and Pony Girl had a 'love-ly' day :)

  10. What a lovely surprise for your little girl. :)
    It's so pretty, those little butterflies are gorgeous!!
    Happy Valentines Day!
    Vivienne x

  11. We missed you, but I can see you made good use of your time! Pony Girl's nightgown is adorable! I'll bet she loved the butterflies.
    Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!

    Ah, my WV is also a little bit wonky - satify! Where's the "s"?

    Nancy in Iowa

  12. That nightgown is divine!

    I have to admit that Valentine's isn't a huge deal here. Like it's around, but it's more an adult thing. I remember in elementary school making little mailboxes for your Valentines to be put into. And I remember that carnation crap that Nancy was talking about.

    Every time I read about stuff like that I breathe a sigh of relief that my children don't have to deal with it. It's partially because we are in Australia and partially self engineered because of our school choice for the kids.

    I really like your sheets.

  13. I have never ever gone to bed in a nightie as spiffy as that. Suddenly, at age 39, I realise I am MISSING OUT. Something shall have to be done to rectify such an oversight.

    Sweet dreams Pony Girl.

  14. I'd struggle to get out of that bed too, I love the cover! Such a gorgeous nightie too, what a sweet tradition...x

  15. Pony girl has the cutest clothes~ very sweet hearts day tradition~

    I have that very same bedding!

  16. OH! She will love her special present from you! Happy Valentines Day my friend....I send my love...

  17. What a cute tradition. We don't really "do" Valentine's Day here apart from maybe swapping cards with hubby but I love all these families who celebrate the whole love things with the kidlets :)

  18. So fun Lola! I'm sure she loved it! That bed does look extra snuggly too....mmmm... I love the pattern on the smaller {or more squished} pillow!



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