
Monday, May 9, 2011

Hello Monday

I had a wonderful weekend, how about you? I was rather spoiled with crepes for breakfast and a beautiful dinner for Mother's Day courtesy of the Engineer. We spent the day pottering about the garden, I was taken to the plant nursery and told to pick out some new plants, hooray! All in all a gorgeous day with the family.

Now it's Monday and I will admit that Mondays are hard. There's the weekly occupational therapy appointment for Pony Girl, then racing to school to make it there before lunch. Then racing home to clean up the shambles of our weekend frolicking. Then the mad dash for school pick up and grocery shopping and dinner making and homework and, and...then trying to fit in a blog post as well (which always ends up a bit iffy). Still, I can't complain, I have a sweet life and after yesterday's lovely time, it's all worth it!

Unfortunately for Barbie, yesterday's Spa Day did not turn out quite as she had imagined.

May your week be filled with smiles!


  1. It sounds like you had a marvelous Mother's Day. Mine was good also and spoiled by the Mr., no kids or mother as that will have to wait until a trip south Wed.

    I think I see a slight smile on Barbie's face so it looks like she is being the good sport she is so famous for.

  2. Well, it has started with a smile, just looking at that picture! I hope tomorrow is a little less hectic for you ...

    Pomona x

  3. Glad you had a wonderful day.

    I don't know about Barbie, but some people pay quite a bit for a mud bath at the spa. Unless she is decapitated, which would pretty much ruin your day.

    How you find time to blog is beyond me but I applaud you for it.

  4. Ha,ha,ha, that is so funny!!! :)
    Her skin will be wonderful though after all that mud therapy!
    Vivienne x

  5. Good ol' mud bath. Your Monday sounds busy indeed! :)

  6. now listen you! when you are as old as I am, and lets face I'm way older than you and most of your bloggie friends, when you are made of 100%plastic, when you have to grin all day long and walk on your tippie toes, when you have to put up with a wimp for a boyfriend who has dubious fashion sense, when you can only very rarely sneak out for an interesting evening with Action Man, then and only then can you pass comment on my extra curricular activities on my day off. If I wanna indulge in a spot of mud wrestling then I will, and I dare you to try and make something of it. Barbie

  7. Oh, dear! I love Flaming Nora/Barbie's defense of the mud wrestling!!

    Maybe Pony Girl wants to be a mud therapist?

    Nancy in Iowa

  8. Yay for new plants! I got a trip to the plant nursery, too. Hope Barbie's feeling very rejuvenated and exfoliated today!

  9. Poor old Babs, no amount of special mud is really going to make the insides of her ears and nostrils glow. But I applaud her for turning her frown upside down under the circumstances. Glad to hear that you had a wonderul Mothers Day :) xx

  10. a very well deserved pleasureable to for you and I am glad. xx

  11. Oooh, poor Barbie. Ours haven't tried the mud treatment yet.

    Glad you had a good weekend!

  12. I am sure Barbie might feel better if she knows how good mud can be for her complexion lol.

  13. Oh sounds like a wonderful mother's day :) Barbie should feel lucky she has time for the spa lol

  14. Poor Barbie- however as my sisters always used to say, beauty means pain...

  15. Happy late Mother's Day my friend! I'm sorry, I meant to send you a message on Sunday and I totally forgot! Sounds like you had a really great day :) and I love Pony Girl's vision for Barbie. I laughed so hard at that photo!


  16. Aww, Barbie's a mess lol Have a great week too.

  17. love it. nothing wrong with a mud mask.

  18. Crikey dick, that looks just like a still shot from Glastonbury a few years back... good times! x


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