
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

In the works

Just a quick hello today, I'm busy with the work! Diligently applying myself to the details for Vic's cushion swap and the days are ticking by faster than I am comfortable with. I'll be sure to show you the end result after it's been popped in the post to it's new owner.

Since I'm here, I thought I might just give a little reminder that issue #1 of Mollie Makes Magazine is officially on sale in the UK tomorrow! I'm still waiting for my copies to get here! A little bird told me that I might have an extra copy coming my way that I can giveaway to one of you lovely folks at my shiny place here, so keep an eye out for that! And here is a peek at the official cover of issue #1!

If you are outside of the UK and would like to order a subscription, THIS LINK should help you do just that. Oh, and the latest info I have for the US news stand date is June 9th. The date for Australia arrival seems to be in July sometime, available at independent book stores and news sellers. Well, that should just about wrap it up for today.

See you soon!


  1. Love the look of what your working on - can't wait to see it.

  2. I am so looking forward to it. I went to the link that you had when you posted about it..following their blog too. Isn't the cover great?!

  3. I received my copy the other day - it`s FABULOUS - I even like the paper it`s printed on! Your `Lola Nova` makes are fab too and lovely to see a little bio of you inside the mag. Are you contributing to each issue? Hope so. x

  4. I'm going to look out for it - whether it will make it down to the sticks, I don't know, but I'm in London next week, so if it hasn't sold out ... Looking forward to seeing your bit!

    Pomona x

  5. Looks great - off to town later, I'll look out for that. Abby x

  6. The print looks intriguing, can't wait to see the rest of it. Went out today like the good girl I am and got my copy of M.M and although I haven't managed to get the time to sit down and read it properly the initial flick through shows it to be very engaging and rather fabbi. Well done and congratulations on being published in such a spiffy new mag. I'll let you know when I've actually read the darn thing! xxx

  7. I got the magazine! I couldn't wait to get it and it was/is brilliant! I have always steered away from crafty magazines as the overall look of them never did much for me..... But this one is awesome. Great features, gorgeous mouth watering ideas and pictures. Am currently making apple cosies which are highly addictive..... Tomorrow.... Your bunting!!!!!!! X

  8. It's a bit out of my price range at the moment, but it looks like so much fun! Apple cozies? Wow, how adorable can they get? Is there a pattern for those somewhere other than in the magazine??


  9. Oh my goodness - it is so pretty! I made a little squeak when I saw your pages!x

  10. Would you like me to scan it for you so that you can have a look, or are you waiting to see it in person?!x


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