
Monday, May 30, 2011

Hello Monday

It's funny, as a busy mom I often wish I had a few quiet days to myself to get all my stuff done. Here I am with a few days alone and I have not accomplished one thing on my list. Instead I have gone to bed very early, watched a bunch of movies, and generally faffed about with little to show for it. That's ok though, apparently it is what I need. I am missing my little family but from what I hear, they are having a grand time.

I'm just popping in to tell you that I am being interrogated over here today. Janee of Yellow Bird Yellow Beard has invited me as a guest and I am so honored.

Oh, and I will be back on Wednesday with a very special giveaway! See you soon!


  1. Sometimes you just need some peace and quiet to recharge your batteries! I will go and look at your interview - funnily enough, I have another giveaway on, too, hope you will join in!

    Pomona x

  2. Hi, just a quickie to say how much I enjoy reading your blog. Totally understand how when you're home alone the first thing you do is clean - same here! Isn't it bliss to have your own clean space for a few days.

    Nicki xx

  3. If you find one of those robots, can I have one too!!

  4. All rings the same bells here too. Guess you just needed the rest. Funny how often we cry out for peace as mums, but it's never that great is it. Hope you are enjoying as much as possible.


  5. I can understand. When I finally had days to myself, I did the same. You need that time. Just enjoy it. Rest.

  6. I totally understand. When my little one goes to visit Daddy I think "here's my chance to get soooo much done"...but I never end up getting much done at all. I am certain that kids keep me on task!

  7. Enjoy it, we don't often get any down time. But mostly enjoy the fact that there is very little washing up to do and a very very small pile of laundry in the basket waiting to be done. Well unless you are having 15 costume changes a day, just because you can! xx

  8. i would LOVE to faff about for a few days :)

  9. I do that sometimes, too. Hey, if it did the trick, then who cares? Hope you enjoyed it!

  10. Nothing like a good faff. I'm in complete agreement about the house cleaning thing too. My perfect dream day would always start with waking up in my beautifully clean house (even better if somebody had done all the work). Admittedly, this wouldn't help with world peace, however it's true, sad but true, x


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