
Friday, May 27, 2011

Empty Nest

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Late last night I took The Engineer and Pony Girl to the airport for their red-eye flight to the Midwest. This is the first time they have gone off without me and the house is very quiet indeed. They will be gone for 5 whole days. It was a bit of a last minute thing really. You see a little over a year ago, the Engineer had a rather bad accident with his hand. After all this time, it still has not healed correctly. I am not convinced that the doctors did the job as they should and I have been nagging him a bit to have it properly looked after.

Fortunately for us, The Engineer's father is an Orthopedic Surgeon, and a darn good one. So, He has gone "home" for a surgery and taken Pony Girl along to spend time with Grandparents, cousins, Uncles and Aunts. That leaves me here in the little green cottage to look after things.

I had a real proper sleep-in this morning, followed by a very leisurely coffee. Now, what to do with myself. The only real plan I have, is to give the cottage a good scrubbing today. Whilst this may not sound like a 'not a care in the world gal on her own' sort of activity, there is method to my madness. You see, if I do a good tidy now, I will be able to bask in the cleanliness for 5 whole days! Yes, perhaps I am a nutter, ah well.

I'm off now to take care of business. Have a lovely weekend all!


  1. I hope you have a lovely week and are able to make the most of the peace and quiet - but I know, the house always feels so very quiet when everyone has gone, and I often don't quite know where to start, having got so used to accommodating to everyone else!

    Pomona x

  2. Oooh, hope the Engineer gets his hand sorted. I expect pony girl will be spoiled rotten. Enjoy your time alone! Abby x

  3. I totally agree with Pomona's sentiments, on the (very) odd occasion when I've had time to myself it has taken a very long time to adjust, incapable of longed for lie ins and a feeling that something is very definitely missing. Five days is a good long time, I'm sure you'll get there. ENJOY!!!!!!!


  4. Scrubbing? Yes you must be a nutter - skip the boring bits and go straight to the crafting / gallery hopping / reading with a tea in the garden / chatting with grown ups / eating cake without sharing.... you get my drift.

    (though I'd be a lost soul without my clan)

    Hope the engineer heals well this time.

  5. Not a nutter - unless I am one too. Hubby took the children to the inlaws the other day and I cleaned most of the day. I just feel like it's so much easier when the house is empty.

    I hope you have a very relaxing time by yourself. I would read a book, take naps, sew, and enjoy the silence :).

  6. The logic of cleaning first is perfectly sane. Enjoy your quiet days.

  7. good luck and have fun with your cleaning! i would probably craft all day tho myself ;)
    best wishes for his hand surgery-that sounds painful!

  8. I so get the cleaning thing, then you can relax and enjoy!
    Have a great weekend. :)
    Vivienne x

  9. I hope the Engineer's hand gets sorted out okay!

    Have a lovely quiet few days - after the cleaning bit!xx

  10. I hope the trip (and the surgery) go well, and that you enjoy that clean cottage!

  11. Oh it really will be luxurious to spend time in a sparkly home for FIVE WHOLE DAYS! I can only dream...

    Oh Lola, the things we Mother's long for... ;) ...and then you'll get your craft on right? Or perhaps a spot of music? Read a book? Whatever you get up to, enjoy it, you deserve it.


  12. I have often wondered how well The Engineers hand had healed up. No worry about how the surgery will turn out this time!

    I remember when, on rare occasions, I was with an empty nest, I could cook, or not, anything I liked.

    Enjoy your 'very own' days.


  13. Oh wonderful, enjoy the peace! I hope the surgery goes well..x

  14. It's the other way for me. I am away for 4days from Busy and Chef. In a city alone in a gorgeous hotel having a great time! Just having a quiet moment now before the next festivities begin! Enjoy your space!

  15. Oh what fun! Five days is a wonderful amount of time. You can so much stuff done and then lots of nothing at all. Enjoy! And I hope the surgery goes really well too.

  16. Ah, I hope his surgery goes well, and that you're making the very best of your alone time! :)


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