
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cushion Love and Beautiful Bloggers

Look at this magical cushion that came in the post yesterday! It's from Jennie at A Little Vintage. As part of Vic's amazing cushion swap, I didn't know who was sending me my cushion cover. When it arrived I was just gobsmacked by the amount of work and detail that went into this gorgeous work of art. Bits of vintage fabric, lovely stitching, oh my! A truly magical cushion if ever there was one! I wish there were better light to photograph it's beauty. I am imagining it adorning a vintage wicker chair on a summer porch, wouldn't that be pretty? As I have no vintage wicker chair, nor a porch of any season, it now adorns my couch. Though I have had to retrieve it from Pony Girl's bed twice since it's arrival.

That is not where the story ends though, in fact this is the part that brought actual tears to my eyes and filled my heart with amazement at the beauty of bloggers in general, and the overwhelming kindness of Jennie in particular. In her note that accompanied the cushion, she mentioned that after reading my blog, she had to send something along for Pony Girl. And would you look at this!

I mean drop dead gorgeous AND there are horses on her dress!!! With special details just for Pony Girl, I really was completely overwhelmed by Jennie's generosity.

Thank you, thank you Jennie! You are an amazing talent and a lovely soul. Please pop by her shops and take a look at her creations!

Oh yes...
If that's not love, I don't know what is!


  1. Oh how beautiful and thoughtful!! I know that doll is going to get many smooshes and huggs.

  2. Wow...I am tearing up beautiful and Pony Girl looks so very happy. I am sure you put as much love and care in the pillow you sent off and now you get that love and care back...big sigh..

  3. Such a treat to receive a cushion so full of flowers and colour and handmade too. A little treasure in your home.

    And then that lovely beautiful doll, so very much made for ponygirl. She must be in seventh heaven with it and yet, she does manage to steal your cushion from you ;-) well, she loves beautiful things too, what do you want...



  4. Love the picture of her with the doll. So sweet!

  5. So, so gorgeous - all that work and thought, how very precious.
    And the doll too, what a special touch, Pony Girl looks very chuffed indeed.

  6. So cool. Crafty bloggers are pretty awesome, in my opinion. :)

  7. Wow - great cushion and amazing doll - no wonder Pony girl looks so happy! Brilliant. Abby x

  8. oh Lola, i am all teary eyed too now! you are so very right and the words magical describe the whole thing perfectly...
    Jennie is one truly creative and kind soul :)

  9. Oh lucky, lucky you! I saw the cushion on Jennies blog, it's beautiful. The doll is a adorable too. We have one of Jennies dolls(which has featured often in my blog in various thrifted doll clothes) and she is very much loved!

  10. Oh wow. That is a magical pillow. And lucky pony girl.

  11. I have tears in my eyes too. That Jennie is one gorgeous and good egg. Happy, well dressed sofas all round I think. x

  12. Wow, I have cushion envi... Love that last pic too cute!

  13. Awwww isn't Jennie AMAZING! I'm totally in love with that gorgeous cushion.

  14. Wow - that is an amazing cushion - I just love it! Jennie is amazing! Enjoy!

  15. I'm soooo pleased the cushion will fit in, in your home!

    The day after I found out that you were my swap partner, I found the horse fabric in the oppy - so the doll was just meant to be!

    (that last pic is so beautiful)XXX

  16. i love, love Jennie, she is absolutely beautiful!!
    you deserve the loving & so does pony girl.
    awwwww, what an awesome story, i love a happy ending.

  17. Smiling from ear to frikkin ear Lovely Lola, I love a happy swappy ending. ;)

    Jennie is awesome sauce, really & truly, and so my dear, are you.


  18. Oh WOW! What a gorgeous cushion & doll!!!

  19. It's very satisfying to see you receive something you love as much as the cushion you made for me!

  20. Such a sweet picture - one to treasure! And a most beautiful cushion, too.

    Pomona x

  21. That is going to be one well-loved dolly and rightly so as it is beautiful.
    Such a gorgeous cushion too!!
    Vivienne x

  22. Aw, how kind of her to send a gift for Pony Girl. It seems like she's very happy with her new doll. The pillow is beautiful. :)

  23. How sweet! That cushion is fabulous and how thoughtful of her to make that gorgeous doll for Pony Girl! How special.


  24. your new cushion looks AMAZING!! i'm all green with envy actually. and that doll for pony girl, what a sweet sweet gesture and a stunner she is too:)


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