
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

In The Garden

Living in the Pacific Northwest presents certain gardening challenges. It seems especially the last couple of years, or that could just be me getting old. In any case, we tend to grab moments as we can; when the sun shows up enough to turn our mud into workable soil. For us, there has always been "The Weekend" every year. The weekend when the weather is just right and we roll up our sleeves and accomplish great works in the yard.

Last weekend was it! The Engineer and I make a formidable team at times like this. As long as we have good, wholesome, (and might I say delicious) sustenance during the day, and ice cold home brewed beer at days end, we are a force to be reckoned with.

There was a fair amount of weeding, sprucing, mowing, and general tidying up. Then there was planting, this bit always makes me happy. Lettuce (our first batch got ate up by the chooks), tomatoes, peppers, lemon cucumber, arugula, eggplant, herbs and such.

We also completed planting our finally finished front rock wall bed. Looking forward to the filling out so our gas meter doesn't make such a bold statement. Why they put it there to begin with has me completely stumped.

We also managed a new chicken fence! I've been wanting this for ages. It isn't fancy but, it gives the girls a bit of open space to run, whilst keeping them from eating the neighbor's cat food, or our lettuce.

We started sod removal to make way for a new mixed bed. We picked up some reclaimed lumber for the back yard fence we hope to finish this summer. I also got to get a close look at what is growing in other parts of the garden. The cotton candy rhododendron has reached it's blooming zenith. The back yard border is in wild abandon, and I'm kind of enjoying that particular riot of foliage right now.

Yes indeed, much was accomplished and much left to do. It will have to wait, as the rain is back and the rumor is it's going to stay awhile.

Well, a little bird is chirping outside my window and it sounds very much like he is singing, "Thrifting, thrifting." I think a shall take his advice, a-thrifting I will go. Have a lovely day my friends!


  1. Your rhododendron is gorgeous and what handsome looking chickens!!
    Nothing like getting soil under your nails.
    If it makes you feel any better it's raining here too!! :(
    Vivienne x

  2. Your have a lot to show for your hard work this last weekend. I had to chuckle at the might be pleased with the new fence but they liked it just the way it was.

    Hope you find lots of treasures on your thrifting trip.

    So glad I could comment here, not so with many others. Still no fix and no word from Blogger.

  3. i've been wishing we could get some chickens-too cute!
    we've been growing a veggie garden for 2 years now-it's very rewarding :)

  4. Somehow we never seem to get a free weekend to be able to tend to our sadly neglected garden. Hopefully some time mid June. Or possibly next year...

  5. What nice looking chickens. I don't think they are happy with the fence though.

  6. Well done! Everything looks so beautiful. Hope you have a lucky day of thrifting. :)

  7. We are still waiting for our "Weekend" here on the coast. At this point it looks like our main summer crops won't get planted until June (!)--that's never happened before. Everything looks lovely--those peonies look like they just need one more good dose of sunshine!

  8. Just the post I need to get out this weekend and do some of my own gardening! We planted the seeds but I always find it rough in the beginning - is it a seed sprouting or a nasty weed growing?

  9. I have a purple thumb. Or is it red? Anyhow, it certainly isn't green like yours.

  10. It just looks like such a cozy, pretty spot to live a homey life!

  11. Of course I focus on the "home brewed" portion of your post. It's the best after a sweaty day in the yard. I like exactly 2. One while I survey all my accomplishments in the yard, and one in the shower. Then I melt into the sofa with the knowledge of a day well spent.

  12. I'm sorry, did you just say "home brewed"?????? I don't care how far away you are, I'M THERE!!! One of The Beard and I's closest friends is a home brewer. You just can't beat it can you? Also, Sabrina, I'm glad to hear my hubby isn't the only one who enjoys a cold one in the shower... :)


  13. If the weather is a problem for you to grow anything outside why not trying inside? Take a look at Ray videos. I spent a whole morning watching them. He says he can grow everything inside.
    I love your garden and the chickens are so cute...

    Have a wonderful day!


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