
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fishing for Winners!

Hello there. Today I announce the winners of the Mollie Makes Magazine Issue #1. I was positively overwhelmed by the responses, and you all had such lovely things to say about what lifts your spirits on a dreary day!
Now, I had to come up with a way to pick the winners. I assigned each official comment entry with a number. I just couldn't bring myself to use the random number generator thinger, what's the fun in that? So, I decided instead to go fishing. First, I needed a pretty blue bowl full of paper numbers.

Then of course I needed a fishing pole. Pony Girl's Barbie pole is nice and festive looking. For "bait" a little dolly with loads of sticky tape stuck to her head.
Next, I perched myself and cast my line.

There she goes, diving in!

Oh, I think I've got a bite!

The first catch of the day is #68! Michelle - The Royal Sisters said, "I like nothing better than sipping on a cup of tea, a very cozy crochet blanket on my knees, a couple of chocolate biscuits and happy kids who find time to play "nicely"...
and of course some spare time to catch up on some blogs, magazines and patterns..."

Second catch of the day is #9! Sherri B. - Little House in Paradise said, "Usually on dreary days I head to the cookbooks to find something yummy to cook up, it makes me happy just thinking about it."

Congratulations ladies! Now, just send me your addresses to and I will send out your magazines in a jiffy!

Thank you so much to all who entered, I do so wish that I could send you all a copy. Thank you for sharing your happy comments with me. Issue #1 of Mollie Makes comes out in the US tomorrow at Barnes and Noble and Joanne's, so if you are in the states and did not win one of my copies, you can pick one up then! Issue #2 comes out tomorrow in the UK!

I am hanging up my "Gone Fishing" sign for the next few days. I will be back next week, hopefully with some crafty bits to show you. Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. what a cute way to pick a random number!
    Congratulations to the happy winners :)

  2. oh how fun! congrats to the winners :)
    i've seen your articles in the magazine-congrats to you too-they're great :)

  3. I am so thrilled that I yelled out when I saw my name and Maggie started barking and Jack thought something was wrong and is licking my arm right now..Yippy !!!! Thank you, Thank you!..Oh and contratulations to Michelle, the other lucky girl. Hehehehe.

    Love the way you 'went fishing' for the winners!

  4. I just love "little dolly with loads of sticky tape stuck to her head". It's a good look for her!
    Congratulations lucky winners, I'm sure you will love Mollie Makes!

  5. Ha, ha - love your alternative winner-choosing! What must your neighbours have thought! Congrats to the winners! Abby x

  6. Oooh that Samuel has a potty mouth doesn't he! He swore heaps in our conversation too! I love sticky head Barbie... she'd be so useful for doing those dusty corners too x

  7. Congrats to the winners. I do find it disturbing to see the image of a plastic wrapped head and a body being cast off a fishing line. I reckon that happened in an episode of the Sopranos but I might be wrong...

  8. That is the best random generator!!!

    Happy 'fishing'!

  9. Lola...
    I am so excited about receiving my prize...and love that "barbie" and "dolly" had a hand in it...
    The funny thing is that the number assigned for me is the year I was born...
    It must have been fate...
    Thanks Lola and thanks Pony girl for letting your mum "go fishing"....

  10. Great way to pick winners, I've never seen it done that way before! :)
    I just got my Mollie Makes issue 2 in the post this week, it really is a great magazine!
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Vivienne x

  11. Cute way to pick a random number! Congrats to the winners.

    Silver MLM

  12. Congratulations to you! You have won my giveaway - can you send me your address?

    Pomona x


I do so love you taking the time to leave a word, I read every comment and they truly make my day! Unfortunately, at this time I am unable to accept "Anonymous" comments.