
Monday, June 13, 2011

So Long Good Buddy

Our ongoing battle with the neighborhood raccoons has sadly taken a casualty. Our dear little red hen Fran, is no longer with us. She was a lovely lady chicken, queen of the roost, our best egg layer, and she will be sorely missed.

a young Fran in 2009

So long good buddy.


  1. I hate racoons, they are horrid creatures !!! I am so sorry, it is hard for some people to understand, but they really do become part of the family, especially hard on sweet Pony Girl. I am sad with you. XXOO

  2. Oh no, how awful for you all, the poor thing. Never easy losing an animal friend.
    Vivienne x

  3. So sorry--every animal is precious. Love her name!

  4. Oh no!
    Sorry to hear that.
    Poor Fran, poor you, poor Pony Girl, poor Engineer, poor other chickens.
    Darn pesky dratted infernal pestilential racoons.
    May their nests become waterlogged and their fur fall out.

  5. Aww, I'm so sorry. That must be really difficult. She was a beautiful hen.

  6. Oh, bloomin' racoon - she looked a fine hen. What a shame. It's foxes here that like an evening meal of chicken :( Abby x

  7. Not right. I'd want to string the racoon up.

    Hugs to you.


  8. Oh no....I'm so sorry...I hope Pony Girl is ok....Love, mare

  9. Oh so sad :( Poor Fran! Hopefully no others will be hurt.
    My mom's chicks were getting attacked by a hawk last year - a scarecrow worked to scare him off.

  10. I had no idea racoons were viscious? How awful! I feel your pay we lost loads of chooks a few years ago from foxes- it was devastating. x

  11. Poor Fran.
    I hope Pony Girl is coping with this okay, lots of hugs from us.XX

  12. I'm so sorry you lost your hen. She looked like a sweet little thing. I know it's the natural way of things but it just seems so unfair. The poor little things are just defenseless.

  13. I didn't realize raccoons were predators. So very sad, poor Fran!

  14. I am so sorry to hear that! We have been lucky with our girls, but I have a lot of friends that have lost one of their girls to raccoons. My thoughts are with you guys.

  15. That's so sad. Hope Pony Girl didn't take it too badly.

  16. So sorry about Fran. Those racoons are just terrible little creatures to attack a sweet little hen. In 2007, we had all of our Koi eaten in our pond. They didn't even leave a trace of our beautiful fish. So far, our hens have been safe. But then, my airedale terriers make sure of that by patroling the yard. I hope Pony Girl is ok. She is such a precious child and I love seeing her on your blog.

  17. Oh how awful. Thinking of you all.

  18. oh no, how sad... heartbreaking. i hope she didn't suffer. *hugs and thoughts*

  19. Oh how sad! I'm sorry to hear that. Give Pony Girl an extra hug for me. Bye bye Fran, I hope it was quick and at least mostly painless.



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