First, you build a hen house in your back yard. Not just any hen house mind you, but a fancy chook palace. Then you get yourself a few fuzzy little chicks that really are the sweetest and you make a great big fuss about it.

You name them, raise them, the chicks turn into 3 lovely lady chickens, and you fancy yourself a sort of glamorous yet earthy urban flock tender. You do your best mother hen taking good care of your feathered family; often whilst wearing a vintage apron, and you make a great big fuss about it.

When one of your chooks lays the very first egg, you do a little song and dance number, you take lots of photos, tell all your friends, and generally make a
Great Big Fuss about it.

Inspired by your back yard farm, you whip up some happy chicken themed projects, you make slightly less of a fuss about it but you do show it off a little.
You know, I have often wondered how people with large collections of a particular animal say, got started on their collections. I once had a neighbor who's house was filled with pigs; piggy banks, piggy towels, piggy salt and pepper shakers, paintings of pigs, softie pigs, and so on. I never asked her how she came to own so many pig items. Did she set out with a passion for pigs, collecting every pig she came across? Or did the collection find her? Perhaps one day she mentioned to a friend that she thought pigs were cute, and that friend bought her a little porcelain pig for her birthday, then because she liked pigs and it was a present from a friend, she went on to make a great big fuss about it...then all her other friends thought, 'Ooh, I know what I'll get her for Christmas!' and it just grew from there.
I do see how that could happen; it does appear that a few friends and family members have noted my making a Great Big Fuss over chickens and have thought to themselves, 'Ooh, that Lola really likes those chooks!' So, over the last couple of years a wee flock of vintage chickens have arrived at the little green cottage.
It is a sweet little collection, just manageable without seeming like too much an obsession. But before it gets out of hand, maybe, just maybe I should start making a Great Big Fuss over something else... like chocolate.
my favorite is the little vintage hen and chick bank from my mom