When asked, "but what does the tooth-fairy do with all the teeth?" I could not come up with an answer that did not somehow conjure ghastly visions of fairy villages built with thousands of little teeth, or jewelry made of them hanging around the necks of...
I clearly didn't think this whole tooth-fairy business through. I did as any good parent would, who doesn't know the answer to a question from their child; I answered her question with a question, "So, what kind of cupcake are you gonna get?"
Hah. I don't recall ever asking that question. I guess I just accepted the whole tooth-fairy business. That is, until I caught my mom sneaking a quarter under my pillow when I was supposed to be sleeping. The next morning, I woke up and asked the "tooth fairy" for a raise.
Congratulations Pony Girl on your first visit from the tooth fairy!
Being a curious little child, I went through my moms top drawer with all of her pretty panties and found a little box of my teeth...uh-oh..well, come to find out, the tooth fairy gives the teeth back to the parents if they are good about making sure the children brush their teeth.
I think they use them as raw fuel. There are teeth refineries all through Toothania (where they reside, obviously) where the teeth are melted down & turned into a very useful & expensive commodity. Don't think they don't make QUITE the tidy profit on the chump change they leave for teeth: it's the biggest scam in the fairy realm.
Having said that however, losing one's first tooth is quite the exciting milestone, so hooray gorgeos Pony Girl.
Also, if the tooth fairy can't make it, I know a Mama who looks smokin' in a tutu.... ;)
Gorgeous toothy shot of your lovely girl. You're my kind of mum, just distract and talk about something else.
Our youngest at 9 still writes to Flora her fairy and leaves notes under her pillow waiting for replies, but doesn't let me know so I have to shove my hand under to check each night. She's asked for an owl and a parrot so she can ride with them and was really put out when none came as fairies can do everything because I said so - walked right into that one. Eldest asked me why the tiny writing looked like mine the other day too. I changed the subject quickly then too.
yay Pony girl, what an awesome milestone! so what flavour is she gonna get?
as for what the teeth are used for..hmmm, absolutely no idea, may have to investigate as I may get asked that soon.
hope you have an wonderful week little toothless girl ♥
I actually had a little book about the Tooth Fairy when my kids were little that showed her house and sidewalk made out of little teeth. I thought it was creepy but the kids never questioned it. Love Pony Girls glasses!
Best get your act together, Lady. The Cupcake Deflecting Question no longer works for the eight and nine year old around here.
Nothing cuter than gappy smiles. Well, in kids, anyway.
My 6 year old is stressing because there is no loose tooth in sight and his brother had lost 2 by now. It's all about what he can do with the cash of course ;)
Good parenting, I say. :) Sweet smile!
And big YAY for the Pony Girl losing her first tooth!
as for what the teeth are used for well, to be honest I'd never thought of that ( she's on the ball that one)
Perhaps its tooth fairy currency? Tho i do like Vic's explanation xo
Awww!!Such a sweet smile!!
You know you and PG have exactly the same eyes? I've just asked teenagers what I told them about the tooth fairy and apparently I once claimed that all the teeth taken from under pillows were ground up and used as fertiliser in fairyland! This is not true... I'm pretty sure I intimated that the teeth were very useful in fairyland but I'm almost positive that the word fertiliser was not used.
Bad mother, bad, bad mother!
I think I may print out Vics explanation for future reference. Nic work Pony Girl. SO grown up!
Perhaps the tooth fairy should expand her business, cupcakes sound like a good idea to me!! ;)
vivienne x
That's one heck of a cute toothy grin! And I LOVE her cool glasses, purple is the best! xo
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