
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The long weekend: a post of random goodness

It was a long weekend, a holiday weekend, it was busy, raucous, sweet, colorful, fun, and did I mention long? I need a weekend to recover from my weekend.

Random goodness #1
The photo above is of our first potatoes of the year. They were the most amazing color of magenta! They were also delicious for breakfast; potatoes from our garden with eggs from our hens, and toast with homemade strawberry jam. The spoils of our labor are truly enjoyed and appreciated.

Random goodness #2

My beautiful (and very colorful) sister was in town for a couple of days. It was so nice to have time with her. We spent most of it sitting on the back yard swing relishing the gorgeous summer weather. She is such a unique and precious woman, I love her madly!

Random goodness #3
I have finally figured out what to make with all of The Engineer's old work shirts that I have been squirreling away. You know, it's really amazing what all can be made from men's shirts. A picnic blanket in blue will be just the thing.

Random goodness #4

Meet Hazel!
(and yes, her feathers are naturally that color of green!)

I hope you have enjoyed my snippets of Random Goodness. I will return after the fuzz has cleared from my brain, the mountain of laundry whittled down to a mere hill, and the pieces put back together.

Have a sweet day


  1. Fantastic potatoes, it is so good to enjoy the 'fruits' of one's labour.
    What a darling little chick, amazing feathers.
    Sisters are so precious, your's has great style.
    Carol xx

  2. So nice that you had special time with your pretty sis. I love that Hazel has green on her head, it will be fun to see what she looks like as she gets older. Great idea for the work shirts and easy to wash after a picnic feast. xo

  3. How cute is Hazel!!!
    What a brilliant idea for shirts.:)
    Vivienne x

  4. You must be so proud of your top spuds. It warms my heart when siblings get on, she is so pretty, and I love her hair. Hazel is adorable, and what an amazing idea for the shirts-can't wait to see the finished result. Wonderful x Jo

  5. I'm not at all surprised to see your beautiful & unique sister - you my dear are beautiful & unique too! (Don't think I'm going to stop with the gushing compliments any-time soon. It's your own fault, you encourage me with your persistent awesome...)

    Hazel is adorable - I never knew chookies came in green!

  6. Wow how wonderful your weekend sounds. Your sister radiates uniqueness and creativity, I'm sure she is just an absolute delight to talk to. Wonder if Hazel's eggs will match her feathers?

  7. Why am I not surprised that you have a punk rock chicken?

  8. Dear Friend, i am so in love with all of your random Goodness, but especially that you got time to spend with your lovely Sister! There is nothing like Family...Love, mare
    PS- I love Hazel too....

  9. sounds like a fantastic weekend filled with awesomeness! if i had to pick one favourite here (twist my arm) it has to be hazel, too too sweet <3 what kind of a special chicken is she?

  10. I agree with Nora, Hazel just needs bondage pants and a mohawk and she's my kinda chick!

  11. I loved this post!! Your random goodness has really brightened up my day. Your sister looks like such an amazing & gorgeous girl, your chickie is so cute, those potatoes...! Wow! And how good it is to eat a meal that is all from your own back yard. Mmmm..hope the rest of your week is full of more random goodness xo

  12. What a beautiful collection of good things!

  13. hazel is so cute!!
    lots of random goodness :)
    thanks for stopping by :)

  14. I am glad that you had a lovely weekend - I have been doing mountains of ironing this morning, and it was all a bit much!

    Pomona x

  15. I love your random goodness! The shirts are really inspiring and your sister looks really sweet. As does Hazel.....Ah, summer!

  16. Such a brillinat idea about the shirts! this is what I missed in the blogwoprld! this kind of excellent thriftiness! I love Hazel!

  17. Lots of wonderful goodness! Those potatoes look delicious--can't wait for ours!


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