
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I'm OK, Your'e OK

Are we?

Is it ok that I have been spotty at best attending to this blog-o-mine of late? Is it ok that I have written a dozen posts in my head and not actually shared them with you here? Is it ok that I have not come to visit you, nor replied to your lovely comments because there just doesn't seem to be a right moment anywhere in the day? Is it ok that I keep forgetting about the first grade field trip that happens this morning and that I am vaguely anxious about taking public transportation with 100 school kids into downtown? Is it ok that I am turning 43 on Saturday? Wait, is that right, 43?

I think it is ok. I'll let you know for sure if we make it back from our field trip in one piece.

Have an a-o.k. day!


  1. I think it's okay too :) Happy Birthday!!! Hoping the field trip was successful.

  2. It is 'all' ok my friend, most of us have times like this. - Please do let us know about the 100 and the bus trip..phew! xo

  3. Of course it's ok!
    Happy Birthday for Saturday!
    Vivienne x

  4. Course it is. Though I'll admit I have my fingers crossed behind my back when it comes to the school field trip bit...

  5. It's most definitely A-Ok! You look after yourself and have a fun field trip.

  6. Well, I am turning 43 next month so I am sure that it must be OK. Happy birthday to you! I hope that the public transport system is ready for the challenge.

  7. There are times like this. It's definitely ok. Just relax and enjoy where you are. We'll still be here when you pop in. :)

  8. You're not OK: you're freakin' awesome. That's all I gotta say.


    P.S. Dare ya' to make up questionable new lyrics to the "Wheels on the Bus"... "Oh, bus driver on the bus goes "sit down you little farts/at your age, I was plowing fields/sit down you little farts"...Oh, the field trip chaperone on the bus goes "I need a martini/I've been a good mom/I need a martini"... "Oh, the hipster on the bus goes "My jeggings are too tight/and I can't sit down/my jeggings are too tight"

  9. OK! I'm also very non-blog-oriented at the moment. There is nothing wrong with living your real life more than your virtual one! (Although I know we have very real friends here too.) I do hope your trip went well. Takes me back...

  10. I feel the same way. So yes, it is okay. If we don't accept this, then we're doomed.

  11. If you are OK, then i am OK! Love you! Happy Birthday coming up!

  12. Happy Birthday you fabulous woman!! And 'yes' all of it's A-OK! xx

  13. It's ages ago I know but I am here now wishing you the HAPPIEST birthday. I hope it was huge and waaaaaay better than ok. xx

  14. 43? You are just a youngster! ;-)
    'Gefeliciteerd' and Hieperdepiep Hoera!'


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