
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Winter Morning

If I were to type my letter to Santa, what would I ask for? I would ask for my family to be safe, healthy, and happy. For myself, I might ask for time.

Time to sit and watch the beautiful morning light come through the front window. Time to meditate on how fortunate I truly am. Time to sip my coffee slowly at the table instead of running room to room gulping swallows of it as I stand in the kitchen for a second. Time to faff about the living room, arranging clusters of joyful here and there.

We are all so busy, there is always much to-doing; this being the most to-doingest season of all. What might happen if we took just a few minutes and sat still? What could happen if we watched the beautiful morning light, fog, rain, etc. for a moment and thought of how blessed we are? Do you think we might spin into chaos, throw off the balance of our to-do lists? Or, might we fill up our hearts and minds with a tiny bit of peace and joy making our days just a little bit better?

I don't know for certain, but I intend to give it a try.

Have a lovely day.


  1. Peace and joy in our hearts would be enough for me. This time of year we need to think like this not loose track of what is important. Thanks for posting.

  2. What a wonderful post! And too true! Time to stop and enjoy the beauty around us! Including time with ourselves! Blessings to you and yours!

  3. such wise musings, I'll be sure to add it to my list and give it a try ;)

  4. Good for you! I've just finished a book that deals in part with having "margin" in our lives, taking time to slow down. The more we do, the more we feel we have to do, and the cycle goes on. But if we stop, build in slow times to our lives, suddenly we have more time--and more peace. Amazing how that works! Lovely photos, by the way.

  5. I hope your attempt is working! I forced myself out on a walk yesterday - our normal routine is disturbed as the dog's been under the weather, so I hadn't been out into the 'wilds' around our town in weeks. I spent more than 5 minutes just standing still watching a flock of long-tailed tits and some other birds (large and small) that had gathered in the trees at one point on my path. It was an incredible, and very important moment just to stop and take it all in.

  6. Lovely thoughts! I too would love to sit for a moment. Hope Santa reads your list and grants it :)

  7. May Peace and Joy be yours my dear you, mare

  8. sounds like a great idea!

    just wanted to let you know that i got my prizes in the mail yesterday! thanks :)
    have a super ~peaceful and joyful~ weekend

  9. Some unexpected things are happening over here that have given me little pockets of time. I'm very grateful for it.

    I hope you find your moments of stillness, too. :)

  10. Well, I intend to join you! I'd say things will be just fine if we stop, maybe even a little bit better...
    A beautiful post & gorgeous pictures..x

  11. What a truly excellent idea. None of us do this enough, I'm surfe. Thankyou for the reminder to stop for a little while.


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