In 2011 I wanted to be
Brave, and I was... a bit. I took risks, I leapt once or twice without looking; and what I lacked in bravery, I occasionally made up for in Bravado.
bra·va·do - noun \brə-ˈvä-(ˌ)dō\
1 a : blustering swaggering conduct
b : a pretense of bravery
2: the quality or state of being foolhardy
Merriam WebsterNot so much the blustering swaggering conduct bit (unless you count that one night I decided that whiskey gingers were a swell idea).
However, the pretense of bravery was present; the old 'fake it till you make it' kind, which does work from time to time I might add. And certainly the 'foolhardy' thing, but that is not especially reserved for 2011, I've been practicing that for ages! Still, it does make a noted appearance in my year in review, in a couple of grand proclamations I made in 2011.

Remember that album I was recording...? It's ok if you don't and it probably isn't very prudent to remind you, but ummmm. You can read all about the grand plan
here. So,
that did not happen. Music was made, guitar and drums were recorded, an omnipresent cymbal made those recordings unusable, musicians went on tour, and something else came up that took all my time. It is alright though, I still want to do it and I will someday, but I might wait till the whole thing is in the bag before I make an announcement. I wrote some songs that I am proud of, I got to make music with some mighty talented folks, and that is always good.
So there were other things I had planned that didn't pan out, but let's not dwell on the things that I didn't do in 2011, because there were lots of things I did do. I went places, did things I'd never done before and I made stuff.

2011 was a funny old year. I am very much looking forward to 2012. I haven't made any grand plans, nor put together a list of resolutions; I think I might just go with the flow this year, see what might happen, and let it ride.
Here is to the adventure of a new year!