
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bookish News

When I made my announcement about my book Simple Sewing with Lola Nova, I was remiss in mentioning that it is a title in Mitchell Beazley's new 'Creative Makers' series. I wanted to share with you the other title due to launch with mine!

Simple Crochet by Sara Sinaguglia! She writes the blog Number One Churchill's Green and you may have seen her crochet apple cozies in Issue one of Mollie Makes, or all over the internet as they were quite a sensation!

I can't wait to get my hands on it! It looks to be a winner! Her book is available for pre-order on Amazon UK

As a reminder, my book is also available for pre-order.

A little bit more bookish news; as Simple Sewing with Lola Nova comes out this Fall, I will be selling a limited number of signed copies. I'll be sure to keep you posted!

Oh how very exciting to be part of what promises to be a very lovely series!

Have a sweet and crafty day!


  1. Exciting indeed and that crochet book looks delightful too. How could I not have seen those apple cozies.

  2. Green eyes, green eyes, green eyes. Why do we have to wait soooo long? grr. xx

  3. That looks like a great book too, I remember seeing the apples in the magazine, such a clever idea!

    I have already pre-ordered your book so I will give that one as a gift as I will be 'needing' an autographed copy for myself! xo

  4. I am so excited for yours to come out, and this one looks great, too!! Thanks for sharing!! I like simple crochet projects!! xo Heather

  5. Oh Lola, I am so excited, it is such a treat to be in such creative company. The series is looking fab, and can't wait to spend this Autumn up to my elbows in sewing projects - will be giving me hooks a little rest! xo Sara


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