
Monday, April 23, 2012

Hello Monday!

What a brilliant weekend we've had! After days of rain, the sun came out in all it's glory for a Summer like weekend. Of course we took full advantage.

There was a three cousin sleep-over at the little green cottage. A raucous mayhem ensued, followed by a wild rumpus!
There were grand sprinkler follies...

We got crafty with paper plate mask making...

There was dinner alfresco and fire roasted marshmallows and s'mores for dessert!

There was an evening movie in the living room theatre, then a lot of late night giggling, and two very tired adults come morning. Blueberry pancakes got the day started off nicely though.

Once the boys had gone, there was a bit of garden therapy for me and I spent the afternoon tucking little sprouts of veg into their beds.

Oh what a happy tired bunch and a brilliant weekend!

I would like to mention here that The Engineer is a super-hero! It was he who mowed the lawn and cleaned up the yard. It was he who planned the mask making, and the fire roasting. It was he who baked the mac & cheese from scratch, grilled the hot dogs and got up in the middle of the night with the littlest cousin (for this was his first sleep-over ever and it was all a bit disorienting to him). So 3 cheers to The Engineer, my hero!

Now what did you get up to this weekend?


  1. Oh that does look and sound a lot of fun. We had a great weekend too, although not your summery weather. It was the Model's birthday yesterday so the family had a grand day out. We shall be having a big sleepover here on Friday so it'll be our turn to be exhausted Saturday!

    Big hugs,
    Kate xox

  2. oh that sounds like fun! our ohio weather didn't cooperate for outdoor fun~i stayed tucked inside transferring info from a old computer to a new one~ i did squeeze in a little knitting & made a yummy spaghetti dinner complete with homemade bread~ hope the rest of your week is a good one!



  3. I am loving those mexican wrestler stylie masks. Well at least thats what I think they are. Not sure I would want to bump in to them in a dark alley!
    I had a, think you should sit down and take a deep breath, quiet weekend. It was a) amazing and b) slightly disconcerting!

  4. Yea for the Hero Engineer, perhaps he's missed his calling, it all turned out so well.

    There is nothing like Spring in the NW, we so appreciate the sun when it finally arrives! xo

  5. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the weekend!! You kitty is so sweet, and love the pretty grey coat!! I was able to make it to an estate sale, and work in products for my new Etsy shoppe!! Have a great Monday! xo Heather

  6. Yah for the Engineer :D I am similarly blessed ... Mr Knitso is doing the ironing as I type!

    The weekend? We mostly watched it rain!

  7. your cat and mine could be twins. no kidding!

  8. Looks like y'all had a lot of fun! Such an awesome, sunny weekend.

  9. HOW DELIGHTFUL! and to get to enjoy whilst you have a super hero about... I am slightly jealous ;}


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