
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Home again jiggity jig!

Hello friends!

I am home again after a most amazing adventure over seas. Suffering a bit of jet lag and still processing the wonder of my whirlwind trip. Upon returning home to see the smiling faces of my family, receiving the best of hugs and welcome homes, I did indeed do a jiggity jig - albeit a little clumsily and haggardly.

I have many photos to go through and many tales to tell, oh yes I do! I think today I most want to share some pics and words about the Lola Nova Sewing Whimsy Workshop in London.

Look at this lovely group of creatives! The only one missing is my glamorous assistant and photographer Jane of Flaming Nora. Who, it must be told, I could not have done without!

The workshop was held at the marvelous shop Bermondsey Fayre , thank you liz for having us! It was a gray and grotty day out with a chill and bluster about, but inside the little shop it was cozy as could be and my workshop friends all sat round the table making wonderful bits of "whimsy".

It really was a special evening thanks to all of the ladies who came and shared with us. There was making and chatting and that great feeling of working together on creative endeavors. There really is something so rewarding in that.

I was so impressed with everyone's projects, what they came up with, the clever and happy bits of making going on!

Thanks to Jane there were heaps of pretty bits to choose from, it took a bit of strong will on my part not to run off with a bag stuffed full of her supplies.

Thank you Colette, Linnie, Abi, Laila, Jhilmil, and Juliet! You all truly made it an evening I will always treasure.

Oh, and here is a little peek at their fab creations!

What a wonderful time we had!


A small note here to say that my thoughts and prayers are with the East Coast USA at this time. The devastation of Hurricane Sandy will be a long time in the recovery and I encourage you to donate to aid the relief efforts. HERE you can find a list of reputable charities. Thank you.


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful time but you can't beat going home to your family. Your creations look fab!!! X

  2. How lovely to read of how it went - and to see the photos! So glad you are happily home now.

  3. Wish I could have been there too, looks fun! :)

  4. I only wish every rainy dull evening was spent so joyfully, thanks sharing your lovely tales and tips with us. I had a great evening. Thank you!
    Same time next year?! x

  5. Sounds like you had a lovely time. Some super creations.
    Carol xx

  6. So glad you got home safe and sound, I can just imagine those wonderful hugs you got .. That's almost the best bit about going away xox

  7. Looks like such a fun and lovely time!! So glad it went well for you!! Pretty creations made! xo Heather

  8. the workshop looked great, good for the crafty soul I think! Glad you enjoyed your trip, Heather x

  9. I'm glad it was such a great trip. I'm sure they were over the moon to have such an inspiring lady leading the way to such craftiness! :)


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