
Friday, November 2, 2012

Mind the Gap - Tales from London

Part 1

October 18, 2012

After a very long flight we began our decent into London, Heathrow. A quick peek out of the window and the sprawling mass of London below took my breath away. "I'm here" I thought to myself, "what do you know!" All I need to do is get through immigration, get my luggage, and find myself the Underground, Piccadilly Line to Covent Garden. Gripping my passport like a life preserver, I made my way - eventually finding the right que for foreigners and presented my identification to the surly man in the booth. "What's your purpose in visiting?" he growled. I replied in perhaps a much too perky voice, "To visit friends." To which he looked me up and down and asked, "You? What friends have you got in London?!" Now I know I was looking a bit rumpled and red eyed from my travels, but surely I looked like the sort of person that might have a couple of friends at least. He looked unconvinced, but did let me through in the end.

I was right proud of myself for getting myself and my luggage to the Underground and was soon clickity-clacking my way into London.

Then it was my wheelie luggage that was clickity-clacking across the cobble stones of Covent Garden and down the streets to my hotel. After a quick change in my very tiny, but satisfactory room, I knew that I must fight off the weariness and go take a good wander of my surroundings.

Covent Garden! Teaming with people, overheard snippets of conversation in at least a dozen languages, bits of blue sky and sunshine streaming; I have arrived!

There hapened to be an open air food market going on that afternoon, quite serendipitous as I was starving!

After finding a good people watching spot on the curb, I sat down and scarfed my Buffalo Mozzarella Panini in a most unladylike manner, whilst watching the hub-bub around me. Then it was off to walk the streets and alley ways near by.

I did a fair amount of window gazing, popped in a few shops, but mostly just tried to get my bearings and take in the amazing buildings around me.

I even managed to find a phone shop to buy a temporary phone for use while here, having discovered only a day before I left that my own phone would not work over seas. Alas, no instagramming for me in London!

After a good long ramble, my eyes dazzled and my ears buzzing, I decided it was time for another sit down. This time at an outdoor cafe with a glass of wine.

The Lumberjack agreed, so we sat and watched the evening coming on and discussed our plans for the following day.

Part 2 next week!


  1. Oh, wonderful! I envy you... and I wish I was there too! Is there any possiblity of shrinking me down to Lumberjack size and getting me posted there, I wonder?... Anyway, it looks like you got pretty close to my sister's flat - she lives in Soho and it's a wonderful base for city life! Looking forward to Part 2!

  2. Hope the Lumberjack didn't have any problems at Border Control!! :)
    Vivienne x

  3. Such a rugged hunk of a lumberjack, the pasty faced boys of London have noting on him!

  4. Great snapshot of London life! You could write another book, Adventures of a Lumberjack in London! :)

  5. I'm so glad you've got the Lumberjack to keep you should have shown him to the airport official..hehe!

  6. So lovely, and those olives looks so good!! The buildings are so pretty!! Thanks for sharing! xo Heather

  7. It all sounds so wonderful, I love your pictures..x

  8. Oh !!!!
    I LOVE Covent Garden!
    The street entertainment there, used to be brilliant!!XX

  9. Oh London looks amazing! I can't wait for part 2. And if only that surly man knew he was talking to the one an only Lola Nova - well then I would think he would think differently!

  10. Surly men at airports, well I know all about them before I became a British Citizen! They are not the most pleasant of folk but boy am I pleased he let you through. London's great isn't it, people watching is one of my favourite past times and with a handsome lumberjack for company who could ask for more? :o) xox Penelope

  11. You are sooo brave to do all that by yourself,
    A Big pat on the back to you,
    Very impressive....
    Love Daisy J x

  12. Great photos! Isn't Covent Garden Market just the bees knees?!! We went to London yesterday, for the day - took my 12 yr old son along too - we had such a good time but heavens we are knackered today. There is so much walking to do in London. So much to see.

    Look forward to the next post. :)

  13. Have a look around Greenwich if you get the chance. I have just come back to Oz from London so I know all about long flights! Nice blog by the way. :)

  14. Beware of surly men! Great pictures! Looking forward to seeing many more.

  15. What a horrible immigration official, I sincerely hope no one else was rude to you while you were here.

    London's looking good for an old gal isn't she!

  16. I'm so sad that I couldn't see you while you were here, but judging from this you had a lovely time!! Your pictures are gorgeous! xx

  17. P.S. Immigration men are the same the world over! I can't tell you how much hassle my husband and I have coming and going on both sides!

  18. What wonderful memories you've brought back from my only visit there 38 years ago!!!! Can it really be that long ago? I'm looking forward to your next post.

    Nancy in Iowa

  19. Wow, those buildings! Can't wait to read about the rest of your adventures. :)

  20. Oh, it looks so wonderful - seeing London through your eyes is such a treat! I loved seeing your workshop too - only wish I could have joined you. Looking forwards to the next instalment xox


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