
Monday, November 5, 2012

Mind the Gap - Tales from London

Part 2

Now let's see...

I left off last week with The Lumberjack and I sitting at a rather wobbly table at Covent Garden discussing our plans and watching the world go by. As the sky turned dark and the market stalls began packing up their wares, the square filled up with evening crowds. Packs of pretty school girls in their uniform plaids giggled past, fashionable young ladies in furry vests, silver pants and impossibly high heels looking sour faced and impatient, A Hare Krishna band weaving in and out of the Jubilee market banging drums, clanging cymbals and chanting sing-song over a 'Madonna-esque' headset that amplified their voices across the square and it was all so vibrant and a little overwhelming for a weary traveler. I kept thinking I should keep myself awake just a tiny bit longer as long as I kept having moments of crisp lucidity in between the red-eyed bone tired stretches.

Soon though it was apparent that the only thing was for The Lumberjack and I to head back to the hotel and get a good night's sleep.

In the morning I met up with Kate from Harmony and Rosie for a little wander. We headed to Liberty of London. Oh my! Now I love me some Liberty and the store was packed with beautiful things arranged in the most lovely of displays to be sure, but what really struck me was the building itself. What an amazing sight to see.

Quite the feast for the senses. Still, we left empty handed. (I may have returned another day to pick up a few tiny things)

Then Kate and I decided that it was time for tea. We stopped into Neal's Yard for a cuppa. Hidden away in one of those secrety little courtyards that are so easily missed, was a most colorful oasis. Now this place would be right at home in Portland, OR I think.

We chatted away under an awning avoiding the rain and having a very nice time indeed, when too soon it was time for me to go and meet my publisher for lunch.

About this time The Lumberjack said that he wished to absorb a bit of culture and make it to a museum or two, so we parted ways.

I should confess to you that while I was in London, I did not do any of the things one should do. I did not make it to The Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, or one single museum. I suspect that The Lumberjack did not either, as I later found photographic evidence of his so called 'cultural escapades'!

A local pub

An Imperial Pint

Post Imperial Pint

Woolly Golf

The following day I met Jane aka Flaming Nora at Paddington station for a wild fabric based adventure to Southall. My one true regret is that I have no photos from this grand outing, for it was quite epic and a sensory experience I shant soon forget. Plus we had loads of fun! Jane has very aptly written about our first 'In Person Meeting' as well as our Southall extravaganza HERE!

Charing Cross Station

Having heard many a story about people getting hopelessly lost on the Underground, I was a tiny bit anxious about keeping my wits about me while riding around London. I needn't have worried, as I found the whole thing quite easy and felt like an old pro by the time I left. Although there were a few times that over-packed cars made for rides that were a bit sweltering and squishy.

And on that odd note, I am going to have to interrupt my rambling ways to attend to the household chores, there is much to catch up on still! There is more to tell if you haven't grown weary of it. Part 3 is next. Oh, and then there's Paris!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. I could tell you a tale or so about that there church. Its St Pauls in Covent Garden is it not? The Actor's church. My tale would involve an untimely and very sad death. The whole cast on Lion king reducing several hunderd people to tears, foul language (not from I but from the deceased), Jason Donovan, the cast of Jersey boys and a 6' welsh drag queen dressed in killer heels, and a sequinned welsh flag. But I think I shall save it for another day!

  2. Don't forget the lift at Liberty, what a fabulous little spot don't you think? Did you manage to take a reindeer back in your luggage, I wonder?! Been having fun catching up on your travels so far, lovely photos of our 'little' town. Was lovely to catch up again for another cuppa!
    Kate xox

  3. I am so envious that you got to meet Kate in person and have a chat and a walk around Liberty together! I remember there was a tv series about Liberty looking for new products..apparently it happens once a year when their buyers meet people who have products they've made or designed themselves and would like to sell there.

  4. Lovely! Most of the French people I know went to London for a long weekend last Thursday (public holiday) so I'm feeling totally left out now! I'm so enjoying travelling vicariously with you, though - thank you!

  5. I love reading about how people see London, it's like me seeing it again for the first time.

    I'm a real country girl down here in the sticks, but I adore a brief fling being let loose in the city knowing I've got peace and tranquility when it's time to bolt back home!

  6. Sounds like you had fun, I do love Liberty's

  7. well you may have missed the museums but at least you got to Liberty!!! :)
    Vivienne x

  8. sounds like you had such a fun trip! it all looks so beautiful :)

  9. I like your blog very much!!.. I follow you!

  10. I like your blog!...Your pictures are very, very beautiful!!

  11. I am so glad you are posting about your adventures - brings back memories for me, too. It was a long time ago that I went to London, but I'm not likely to forget much of it. What a fabulous experience!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  12. Looks like you had heaps of fun and Liberty looks just as i remember it. Looking forward to Paris! jx

  13. It all sounds really, truly wonderful. I hope the Engineer wasn't bothered by the Lumberjack traveling with you sans chaperone!


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