
Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Travelling Companion

On my European travels last year I had a constant companion, yes another other than The Lumberjack. A companion that made me happy and was a true help along the way. A companion of the handmade kind, my CarryAll bag. I made it just before my trip and it occurred to me I never shared it with you.

When I was all done with the making and I looked upon my sweet new rather roomy CarryAll bag, it made me smile from ear to ear. It was all sorts of colorful with sunny details put on and a fine fit over my shoulder.

I used a vintage Japanese tablecloth for the main out side that had been a gift from my mother, it has a nice nubby texture and lovely design. For the rest I rummaged around in my scrap heap.

It has a handy pocket on the back side that kept all of my important papers safe and sound.

It did a bang up job through London and Paris, often put upon by heavy loads, abused by the Underground and escalators, kicked under cafe tables and mistreated in various ways. Though it may have got a little grubby along the way, it never failed me and still made me smile. I received many compliments and a few comments of "Well now, that's an um... interesting bag."

I used fusible fleece for the lining, then quilted it with lines of stitching to give it a bit of structure. And of course extra handy pockets for the inside.

Oh guess what?! You could make one too if you fancy. I used a downloadable pattern by Farbenmix which you can purchase HERE
There are two size variations and all sorts of room for modification and embellishment. I have always been happy with their patterns.

My CarryAll bag was the perfect travelling companion indeed!


  1. Nice!!!! :-) Very lovely indeed! What wonderful fabric choices and all the details just go perfectly! Well done Alex! :-)

  2. I love the colours in your bag and think I may also have a serviette in this fabric. Thanks for sharing the link. Cherrie

  3. Oh Carry all bag, how my eye fills with covetous glee when I see thee.

  4. Such a beauty! I love all the fabrics you used and you certainly made it practical and oh so very pretty. It's always important to have good travelling companions :o) x Penelope

  5. Wow, what a lovely bag. Looks gorgeous and functional too :)

  6. It's gorgeous, I do love the colours. :)
    V xxx

  7. It`s very cool.Beautiful fabrics choice and love the details you added!

  8. Very pretty! It reminds me of a spring day - just when the tulips start to open.

  9. A beautiful combination of fabrics and a splendid bag!

  10. love this bag- its like Orla Kierley how she used to be before she got commercial!
    A true V.I.B if ever there was one!

  11. What a fabulous bag. So beautiful and so professional looking.

    S x

  12. love it! great blog! I ll follow you till now

    hope you ll read us on

  13. It's fabulous Alex! And I love your colour choices.

    Am I tempted to make myself one? You bet! Thanks so much for the link to the pattern :D

  14. I absolutely love your bag, and what a great way of making a connection to people when travelling! People love something to comment on don't they. Lovely fabrics and pattern. Heather x

  15. Dearest Alex,
    I must say, I will take a look at that pattern! Your bag is Jolly nice...and the best bit?
    ...that it was made from your Mothers gift of a tablecloth, so it was like taking a bit of her with you.... I like that.

    bestest to you,
    Daisy J
    Ps I am so Proud to see you have me on your Blog roll!!!

  16. What a fabulous bag! Love the colors and the detail, and that you made it out of a tablecloth and your stash. I've been meaning to blog about the carry all companion I sewed last summer for our vacation....will blog it soon :)

  17. So beautiful and the colors are so cheerful! xo Heather

  18. I love that bag and am actually tempted to make one. This would be my first bag making attempt (I am ashamed to admit). Is this a brave first project I ask?
    Emma. X

  19. Such a great bag. You have a wonderful knack for putting together fabrics (something I lack)!

  20. Which e-book do you click on to order if you want it in English?

  21. Laura Davies, it seems they have changed their format somewhat since I ordered it. If you are having trouble, send them a note here
    I'm sure they will respond quickly, it is a very good company!


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