
Monday, February 4, 2013

Oh Joyful Day!

It is amazing what a little sunshine can do for your soul! This weekend we were gifted with two beautiful days, what a nice way to start the month. So what is a mama to do with such a gift? Throw caution to the wind, pull on some puddle jumpers, fill a backpack with water and snacks, tumble into the car and head to the country with my girl.

Alright, so not way out into the country, but only a 20 minute drive (both of us singing along to pop songs on the radio with great enthusiasm the whole way) to Sauvies Island. I was thinking Nature Walk, I was hoping for Whooping Cranes, but whatever the day might hold in store was fine by me as long as we got out there, out into the sunshine!

Though many of our "go to" wildlife areas were closed for the season, we were not deterred, the drive was beautiful and we were on an adventure! We stopped to view the geese, searching for the all white snow goose. However, we did not linger long for we were feeling a bit too silly and some of those bird watchers take the watching of birds very seriously indeed and tend to frown upon general silliness.

We ended up down by the river for a walk where we chatted with local fisher folk and played in the sand. Pony Girl found the perfect stick companion right at the beginning. We discussed it's merits as a possible fishing pole, alas we had no hooks and granola bar makes less than ideal bait.

The trees were still wintering, skeletal against the bright sky, the air was fresh and warm, the water sparkled and we chased our shadows across the sand.

We walked and talked and examined moss and tree bark. We saw cranes and herons and hawks and bunnies. We wrote our names in the sand with hearts and smiley faces. Then Pony Girl took over the camera and captured some fine photos!

And then we got really, really hungry! We walked back to the car, stomped our puddle jumpers free of extra mud and sand, threw "Sticky" the stick in the back of the car as it had been such a fine and useful friend on our adventures that Pony Girl insisted on bringing him home. And back we went over two bridges...

...ate a tasty lunch and agreed that we deserved to splurge on a strawberry milkshake!

Oh joyful day!


  1. Looks like you girls had a grand day out! Beautiful photos and just look at those shadows! :)
    Vivienne x

  2. Isn't it incredible just how uplifting some good old vitamin D is. Mind you, PG's clothing was rather sunny and bright too!
    Glad you had some good fun girlie time x

  3. GOrgeous, gorgeousness... Beautiful photos! I'm looking forward to being in Oregon with my small girl in May.

  4. Such a beautiful day!! Glad you had a wonderful time out in the sunshine!! xo Heather

  5. Thats why February is among my favourite months! And it boosts my energy to knit and create all things flowery and colourful!

  6. That sounds wonderful! These are the times she'll cherish in her memory.

  7. It looks like a glorious day :)

    We could do with some sun here too!

  8. It looks like we live in the same neck of the woods. I am in Vancouver. Sauvie Island is a fun place to play and I to enjoyed the sun while it lasted.

  9. Love Burgerville and must always visit when I return home


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